Whole Body Vibration for SO MANY ISSUES! Join our Membership & Ditch the GYM!
Lydia M. | In Light Hyperparics News | February 2024 | #38
I love vibration therapy because it invigorates me and feels like an overall body massage! I can stand on the vibe for 10 minutes and it can help me get through the rest of my day. Not to mention, it helps tone my muscles! ~Edna Ness
This NASA type exercise technology is revolutionary for all body types and age groups! Vibration exercise machines for a whole body vibe (WBV) are becoming increasingly popular and for all ages and reasons of use, such as those approaching the latter third of their lives, with issues of weaker muscles & tendons, issues with joint mobility and bone density becoming more of an issue for the aging, to those who are more athletic with subsequent injuries, and to those people who want to lose weight & firm up without having the time to invest in gyms. This technology can be a viable solution for different people and for different issues!
While these vibratory machines are thought of as being promoted only in elite type gyms, or for star athletes & those in NASA or the military, they are becoming much more well known and available to the public in general over the last decade through chiropractic or physical therapy offices and exercise/medi spas, such as our own at ILH.
Whole Body Vibration (WBV) Technology: How can 10 min a day promote so many results with such little time? When you stand on a plate that vibrates, it automatically forces the muscles of your body to contract due to you naturally NOT WANTING TO FALL…this process is your body stabilizing as an instinctive response.
This process promotes the body to react for example, by tendons stretching, by an increase in blood flow and subsequent improved blood oxygenation. For a hyperbarics type spa, this is THE GOAL: to increase oxygen to cells…so of course this machine would only be a LOGICAL CHOICE for Cait and Edna! The WBV machine strengthens and tones without the person feeling they are working out, and because the vibrations are sent throughout the whole body (thus the name….hahaha), all muscle groups are affected - BRILLIANT!!
The motion created in the body is similar to you doing reps with weights, but it’s your own body offering the resistance as you stabilize and balance yourself. Modern plates, as those you see in our ILH photo’s, have a handle bar for safety. This process of ‘mini reps’ promotes strength for muscles, flexibility for joints and density building for bones. In addition, this is effective for mobility, regardless of the cause being due to aging, disease, after an accident and bed rest, or other syndromes attacking balance and strength.
“It is the smartest and most efficient way to train because it amplifies results for increased strength and bone mass without the potential for injury that comes from lifting heavy weights.” ~Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Olympic US Cyclist Team
The team has used a WBV since 2016 as reported by Forbes Magazine, with success for injuries and greater strength & flexibility. Modern versions, such as what ILH carries, has handle bars and exercise bands included, with program abilities for particular exercises.
It’s definitely worth a try to TRY THIS FIRST, and the other modalities at ILH like TRT, before you succumb to surgery or more invasive techniques when this is available…please understand that in this day and age, YOU HAVE OPTIONS in many cases!
Why is this so revolutionary? Because this science is showing us that regardless of age, physical condition and prognosis, a vibratory type exercise plate can be beneficial to build bone density, strengthen muscle mass, increase overall strength, promote healing of injuries, and further promote joint mobility, without invasive procedures, pharmaceutical medications or surgery in some cases.
An additional benefit here is the ability to do exercise, at any level capacity of mobility, even a wheel chair participant can use and receive benefit without concern for great risk or accidents involved, as this exercise can be done while sitting down, as well.
This type of therapy/exercise unit is used all over the world by professional football, basketball, baseball and pro athletes of all kinds, as well as including celebrities who have been into the natural health and exercise fields for years now!
Where can you find Cait when she's not deep into her work or engaging with our clients?…check on our Vibra Therapy Machine FIRST!
“As someone who's always on the move, I've had my share of struggles staying active consistently over the past few years. Being able to lean into Whole Body Vibration (WBV) and incorporating it into my daily routine has been a game-changer for me in countless ways. Whether it's to snap out of a funky mood, relieve the stiffness from sitting for too long, or stimulating my muscles that aren't getting enough attention, WBV sessions have become my go-to solution. I also used to face issues with poor lymph circulation, but ever since I started with WBV a decade ago, it's been nothing short of transformative for my health. It’s an instant mood lift, an energizer and I do believe it keeps my metabolism in check and my immunity boosted too! Shake it away….” -Cait Wilson
History of the Whole Body Vibe (WBV)
From the website of Health and Beuty Connection (HnB), the company we have chosen for almost a decade, and within the last year, upgraded our vibe in 2023 with their newest and most effective model: The VIP PRO WBV exercise machine. “The theory behind vibration exercise equipment was developed for the Russian space program in 1960s because the cosmonauts needed to exercise while in zero gravity space. No gravity means there is no resistance to workout muscles, and with months in space, could result in muscle deterioration and loss in bone density. To combat this, the Russians came up with a vibration exercise.”
From Forbes Magazine article: “This technology is believed to have been responsible for the (Russian) cosmonauts staggering record of 420 days in space, compared to American astronauts returning home after 120 days. After space missions, the cosmonauts previously suffered severe loss of strength and bone density, and this training method appeared to mitigate the negative effects suffered and helped them recover quickly.” ~Lee Hillman, CEO of Performance Health Systems - Owner/Manager of Power Plate Company.
More Testimonies
“The safest way you can exercise with the least amount of strain on your joints!” ~Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Board Certified Family Physician and worldwide natural health trusted professional states:
Men’s Health Magazine on Mark Wahlberg: "...Wahlberg warms up by jumping rope or doing a few sets of squats on the vibration machine…”
Sophia Bush in HEALH Magazine: "I just got a vibrating plate and I'm so excited about it. You can work out on it, but I use mine after a workout to shake out my muscles..."
Hollywood exercise guru and the creator of the ‘Core Secrets’ ball workout program, Gunnar Peterson: “If you look at them like a great addition, a great adjunct, a component to your fitness, I think you're going to get a lot out of it.” Peterson states vibration machines are “able to build muscle, and help users get more out of their exercise routines’...”
Science & Issues
Flexibility & Bone Mass: “Beneficial effects are associated with whole-body vibration exercises (WBVEs). Increases in muscular strength/power, flexibility, and gait speed; improvements in bone mineral density, balance, and the quality of life; and decreased pain and risk of falls are reported.”
Further, “it is concluded that WBVE is effective for counteracting the loss of muscle strength associated with sarcopenia in elderly individuals. Balance and leg and plantar flexor strength improvements due to WBV indicate benefit to reduce risk and incidence of falls, frailty, and fracture risks.” Read more!
Strength: In addition, “lower extremity muscle strength improved significantly in both the WBVT (WBVT + strengthening) and the control (stretching + strengthening) groups, and physical performance improved only in the WBVT group after training. WBVT can be safely performed by older adults and may be an alternative exercise method to boost the effect of strengthening exercise.” Read more!
Balance & Mobility: Balance in all areas of life is important, but especially important physically for safety and the vibe has further been shown to help, “low Vibrational Training as an Additional Intervention for Postural Balance, Balance Confidence and Functional Mobility in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Lower Limb Burn Injury.”
“Based on the results of the current study, it is possible to conclude that adding WBV training for an 8-week duration to a selected exercise program (balancing and resisted exercises) seems to be effective; in improving postural balance, balance confidence, as well as improving the functional mobility in type 2 diabetic patients with lower limb burn injury.” Read more!
Weight Management: Vibration therapy stimulates lymph drainage to promote detoxification and strengthening of the immune system. The lymph system is a primary way to dispose of toxins to keep the body healthy, and they are described as the garbage disposal of the body. Inactivity, as well as a bombardment of toxins leads to stagnation of the lymphatic system, causing issues with energy levels, inflammation, pain and lower immune function.
In fact, when a person uses this WBV machine for the goal of weight loss, when it is matched with a healthy diet, the results can be measured: “Over the year, only the conventional fitness and vibration groups managed to maintain a 5% weight loss, which is what is considered enough to improve health,”
In addition, “in this study we demonstrated that adding aerobic exercise or WBV to a hypocaloric diet can help to maintain weight loss. Moreover, the addition of WBV seems to initiate an even larger loss of VAT. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time that such findings are reported in a clinical trial. This may be of clinical importance since VAT plays a central role in metabolic syndrome.” ~ Dr. Vissers of University of Antwerp in Belgium. Read more!
NOTE: Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) is not the type of fat that is wanted in large amounts in the body for overall health due to it being a lazy tissue. What is wanted is a healthier and more active fat…not lazy, right? The “active fat” as it is referred to, plays a key role in how the body functions. Too much of VAT: visceral fat can lead to health issues such as heart issues, diabetes & stroke.
Potential Side Effects
Changes in digestion
Muscle fatigue
Sleep differences - can give you energy when needed, and help flush cortisol out that interferes with sleep at night.
Increase in energy
Remember to drink PLENTY OF WATER afterwards and throughout the day to promote flushing of toxins and proper hydration from the increased circulation, and subsequent lymphatic drainage...keep those toxins flushing OUTTTTTTTT!
ILH Memberships
Wellness routines and habits are not created overnight, click here for membership info for the WBV!
Our memberships are a 6-month commitment in order to set you up for success with a routine that fits your lifestyle. Memberships now include 2 guest passes per month so you can share a service with a friend or family member. Simply let a staff member know that you will be bringing a guest prior to your appointment time.
Call and ask for Taylor, your membership director, for complete details! Let’s gooooooooo in 2024 for feelin great!!
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is information for educational purposes.