The FUSION of HBOT, Light Therapy & Spore Based Probiotics for ROBUST Gut Function!
Lydia M. | In Light Hyperparics News | March 2024 | #39
There is so much talk about the gut. Why is it so important?
Let’s DIVE into why your core is one of the most important foundations for your body, in the same category as the skeletal, neurological, and nervous systems are. Our body was designed with systems put in place that are intertwined to work together. We understand this at ILH and have created a TRIFECTA that is showing tremendous results with our own healing needs: HBOT, Therapeutic Light Therapy & Spore based probiotics.
The connection between your ‘core’ and the nervous & neurological systems are masterfully designed highways that help process food to deliver nutrients; they get rid of waste, protect the body from trash, keep inflammation at bay, and build up immunity. Hippocrates said it best when he told us that life and death begins in the gut all those thousands of years ago…this isn’t new knowledge, it’s just getting coverage the last decade.
Did you know this interesting fact?
The immune system lives in your gut! Yep, it sure does!!
In fact, based on UCLA Health, ""70% of the immune system is located in the gut, where diverse bacteria is best. You likely know that what you eat can affect your weight and energy level throughout the day. But you might not realize the extent to which diet affects the immune system.”*
What is far too often ignored is that there is a real connection between the gut & brain. It is a highway for information via the vagus nerve; nervous system regulation to determine whether you might have a chill or amped up tone, and that the system WILL influence overall clarity and mental performance. After all, where do you think brain fog comes from a lot of the time???
You will recall, I’m certain of it, when you have heard news and it feels like a punch in your stomach, or when all of the sudden you jump up from a dead sleep with a looming feeling - felt where?…your gut, then brain, which in turn, affects the nervous system, glandular system, and on & on. Case and point…these feelings can be accompanied thereafter with an all over sweat, which can lead to a run to the bathroom in an hour or so, because your guts are about to explode.
From The Amen Clinic website: Meet Your Second Brain
Did you know that your gastrointestinal tract is lined with about 100 million neurons? That’s more neurons than you have in your spinal cord or in your peripheral nervous system, which is why the gut is often referred to as the “second brain.” This nerve tissue is in direct communication with the brain inside your skull, which explains why you get butterflies before a big job interview or feel queasy when you’re upset.
We are made up of parts & pieces that were meant to support one another…when one is off, the others follow suit. And that my friends, is why gut health is so important!!
Are you NEW to gut health? Do you experience any of the following?
Bloating & gas issues
Heartburn and/or GERD
Stubborn belly fat or the last pounds that you just can’t lose
Mental wellness and gut health: depression, anxiety, and cognition - Are they all related?
Food sensitivities and gut lining issues
All of THIS is controlled by your MICROBIOME!
All of these microorganisms and microbes make up your microbiome. They are living in the inside of your gut and on skin tissue. Though your microbiome consists of all of the above, bacterium are what there is the most research on, and the greatest benefits are given to the whole from bacteria.
Did you know that this biome has control over your entire body because of this simple fact…the human body holds more bacterial cells than human cells…WHAT????? Did you know this?…I didn’t. Yep…there are roughly 40 trillion bacterial cells versus 30 trillion human cells in the body*. WOW…Let’s get busy and keep our gut healthy!!
Did you know another interesting fact?
People think that they don't need to take probiotics if they eat fermented foods.
This isn't true…read on!
Fermented foods are good for the microbiome, yes & 100%, but they do not deliver live bacteria. Why is this important? They are excellent ‘prebiotics’ that feed the gut bugs, but they do not create lasting change in the gut. The reason is that they are not selective…they feed the good and bad guys all the same.
It is now evident how important establishing a healthy microbiome is on overall health and function. In fact, “the microbiota requires the growth of beneficial microbes and the removal of pathogenic and inflammatory responses in the mucosa of the gut.”* Read further down the blog to have the opportunity to learn about how to increase the good guys, get rid of the ‘die off sludge’, AND how to rebuild mucosa and strength of gut lining.
Speaking of the health and strength of your gut lining….
Do you know what Leaky Gut Syndrome is?
If you want to dig into some reasons why leaky gut is so damaging, as if the pic above doesn’t make you feel a bit grossed out by what might be swimming around you, just look at the typical symptoms below:
Chronic constipation, bloating, and/or diarrhea,
nutritional deficits,
fatigue & lethargy, along w/ sleep disturbances,
headaches and pressure,
mental fogginess issues and difficulty concentrating,
skin issues and inflammation: acne, eczema, scalp issues, and
inflammation of the joints, which can lead to gout issues, as well.
Leaky Gut Syndrome: The intestinal lining is made up of a very thin tissue, and its increased permeability over time - it can only stretch so far and for so long, ya'll - causes the tissue to become torn, and a condition occurs when that barrier is compromised. The barrier functionality failing allows protein particles to re-absorb into your body where it’s not welcome. The barrier is there to keep out larger particles from circulating back into the system, but when it “leaks” it becomes a syndrome that causes inflammation and beyond!
We will shift now to further discuss how the FUSION of HBOT & Therapeutic Light Therapy, which by the way, is being promoted at SUCH A DEAL with our spring promo below, is such a benefit for the health of your microbiome! Read on to learn how pressure and light support gut health.
This is combination therapy at its BEST! Take advantage of it whenever you can to BOOST your health & healing! 02 under pressure and light are a match made in HEAVEN =)
HBOT research supporting microbiome health:
It has been long known in the HBOT community that oxygen under pressure is highly effective and healing for gastrointestinal issues and the microbiome in general, for the simple fact that inflammation is able to be controlled. We know that inflammation is the key culprit to so many issues in our physical, mental and emotional health and balance, and it begins in the colon. Read here about indications on our website.
Dr. Jason Sonners, Doctor of Chiropractic, explores and explains the power of pressurized oxygen on the microbiome.
Jason earned his Diplomate of the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition (DCBCN) and his Diplomate of the International Board of Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK). He is one of only 250 professionals in the world with this distinction. Dr. Sonners is currently enrolled in the University of Miami School of Medicine earning his PhD in biochemistry with a concentration in regenerative medicine. on the topic of HBOT & The Microbiome for up to date research from the IHA conference within the last five years!
Summary points from lecture at IHA conference:
In 2019 it was reported that 11% of all patients worldwide had IBS: Irritable Bowel Syndrome caused by inflammation.
The growth of IBS has grown since the 1960’s in industrial nations to present day due to the environment in our gut, from the environment we have been forced to live in society.
Our environment is our microbiome, which in turn, creates our epigenetic status.
Modern medicine focuses on suppressing symptoms long enough to “manage” symptoms and disguise the cause, but not well enough to “heal” the cause of the disorder.
There is a way to speed up healing if epigenetics is focused on by way of diet and shifting the environment in the gut. The goal is to focus on Environment vs Genetics only.
What therapies can boost microbiome / gut environment health? HBOT, light therapies, intermittent fasting…all change our environment.
Regarding HBOT: some bacteria love O2 and some HATE ITTTTT!!…This is important to have O2 kill bad & promote the good, as one loves lack to grow and the other loves abundance of it to grow.
IBS causes circulatory problems and the body cannot get enough 02 into the area of need, so it cannot heal the ulcers, fistulas and such due to chronic hypoxia…it is being suffocated, and that is where dis-ease grows.
Shifts happen with HBOT which infuses the blood with circulating 02, that when it gets to the colon, it kills the bad and damaging bacteria that create inflammatory conditions, reduce the fire and begin to HEAL, rather than cover up the symptoms of IBS and resulting issues.
Give it a listen…Dr. Sonners covers more, and with other therapies mentioned for combination therapy!
From Northwestern Medicine on the topic of treating ulcerative colitis: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy pushes oxygen into the colon through its tiny blood vessels. This kills the inflammation-causing bad bacteria that thrive in these low-oxygen environments. It resets the immune system and allows the colon to heal.”
“There is a lot of hope for patients with ulcerative colitis.” — Parambir S. Dulai, MD, Northwestern featured expert on IBS
Therapeutic Light Therapy research supporting microbiome health:
There is ongoing research showing the effectiveness of photo-bio-modulation therapy (light therapy for biological hacking) in the gut microbiome and how its dysbiosis (bacterial composition, activity and distribution, basically how bacteria act in the gut, but in a bad way) is related to diseases.
I cannot explain how light therapy helps the microbiome any better than blogger Alex Manos from the UK. He is a Functional Medicine practitioner, trainer, coach & mentor specializing in SIBO and gut related disorders, as well as, mould illness & mycotoxins.
Alex has put together an educational blog based on an article written by research from Ann Liebert in the following magazine: Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser SurgeryVol. 37, No. 11 called “Photobiomics”: Can Light, Including Photobiomodulation, Alter the Microbiome? by herself and team of researches. The blog does an excellent job connecting all of the dots and it includes video explanation as well. Please click here for blog.
Support your MICROBIOME with this promo of Oxygen and Targeted Therapeutic Light Therapy! All of us at ILH are about modern modalities & modern supplementation COMBINED TO WORK BETTER TOGETHER!
PLEASE take advantage of both of these opportunities while you can!
* (1) promo per person please. CLICK HERE!
Scroll down to the middle of page for complete details when on website.
The ladies of ILH have yet again found the NEXT BEST THING IN BIO-HACKING!!! It’s all about Spore Based Probiotics, and Microbiome Labs is the #1 Researcher & SELLER of probiotics on the provider ONLY website called FullScript!
Edna’s Testimonial
“This all started with a kidney infection which put me on a round of three antibiotics, which completely ruined my gut and I was a MESS with stress, brain fog, sleep being disrupted, and intense stomach discomfort. This product has put me on track so quickly that I can’t help telling everyone about it!! That’s why we created this current promo, because I believe in this TRIFECTA of healing more than ever before! Please come learn about this product from a rep who CARES!” ~ Edna Ness
What are spore probiotics?
A spore probiotic has a coat on, so to speak, called a “spore coat”. Why is this important? Because it helps protect the goodies inside to get to where they need to travel to…your gut. Our body is a tough terrain for these little guys to get through with acids and reactive chemicals to travel through. Not only that, but how, and at what temps, they are stored in is a factor. Conventional probiotics have needed refrigeration, and to be protected from light & oxidation from opening and closing the bottle each time. They are sensitive little buggers and the stomach is a harsh environment for them.
A coat is necessary to withstand temperatures and acids for a viable probiotic to open up in the gut for full potency to do what it needs to do! Oh, and pssssst….they can withstand dying from antibiotic use too….HOOOOORAY! They even have a blend that can be taken during antibiotic use to protect the gut microbiome and maintain balance while the bad guys are being destroyed.
GOALS of MB Labs:
1) Create balance of good vs bad guys for microbiome (gut) health;
2) create mucosal barrier/protection against INFLAMMATION & Leaky Gut, and
3) rebuild lining & microbiome from all the years of damage from food/epigenetics, and help support the relief/restoration of so many different conditions.
Brief Description of the TOP MBLabs products that ILH will be carrying on an ongoing basis:
* To start with or to give your gut some relief: HU58 is a single strain concentrated probiotic: Bacillus subtillus, to promote balance of gut and harmonious intestines for those who need a gentle start to get things moving from chronic constipation. For SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) sensitive clients, and urges your body to produce its own good guys. Indications: Chronic Constipation/Diarrhea, IBS
* To prepare the microbiome for the good guys: MegaPRE feeds the goods guys to rebuild the gut lining (intestinal fence) further. When inflamed our gut holds onto fat. *Shows weight loss benefit with a 38% decrease in visceral fat. Indications: Chronic Constipation, weight loss, inflammation, fat reduction.
* To promote detoxification pathways, bind loose bowels FAST, and maintain gut barrier function: Mega IgG2000™ from bovine serum and an alternative to colostrum, has been the subject of over 10 published human clinical trials on intestinal health. It has the ability to bind to pathogens: E. coli, Staphylococcus, Salmonella, and 16 other familiar antigens. It is PROVEN to work by Edna & Lydia within 24 hrs of experiencing diarrhea. WHY? It gets rid of the die off. Indications: Bouts of recurring constipation and cramping/painful bowels.
* To work in conjunction with IgG: Mega Mucosa is a dairy-free immunoglobulin concentrate used to support healthy digestion, neutralize environmental toxins, and help to REBUILD mucosal barrier of the of the gut lumen, and builds the immune system. Indications: to use during rebuilding from recurring constipation; a cleansing/rebuilding routine, or when needing extra support between yearly cleanses.
* To promote the removal of deeper toxins and continue the process of healthier digestion for longer term changes: Mega SporeBiotic gives a plethora of benefits to issues such as allergies, menstrual issues, acne, just to name a few longer term benefit categories, due to its ability to recondition the gut. Indications: when cleaning of some bad bugs needs to happen after the gut can handle the deeper movement of layers, after the HU58 & MegaPre take hold, for those with more sensitive guts.
* To garner the power of specific bacterium with Spanish Saffron added to promote gut/brain nervous tension reduction and mood balance: ZenBiome Cope supports a healthier balance by using two targeted ingredients working in conjuction to help coping abilities - gut/brain connection again. Indications: for occasional stress, brain function, and to enhance more vitality in behavior.
* To garner the power of specific bacteria and key factors for rest: ZenBiome Sleep is made with lemon balm, L-theanine, and a specific bacteria to promote rest and feelings of relaxation. Indications: when the circadian rhythm needs to be reset for occasional regular use.
* To help promote balance and detoxification with antibiotic use: RestorFlora / PD (This is on our next order for sure!) is a 2 week dose for the PD and while on the antibiotic, and the regular is for after antibiotic use and to recover balance. Indications: to fight the effects of damage done from antibiotics to the gut flora and re-establish balance.
* To help with an extra boost for those dealing with stomach acid issues, and gas/bloating for relief & balance: MegaGuard™ is a novel digestive aid that combines licorice polyphenols, cleansing artichoke leaf extract, and soothing ginger with the power of these herbs combined to provide unique and comprehensive digestive support, bowel regularity, gastric balance and longer term heartburn reduction/relief.
Tips & Tricks for HOME
What you can do at home to help your good gut bugs and settle down your microbiome:
1) Castor Oil in Belly Button at night OR Packs for a few hours a night: please look up specific directions on each method above for castor oil benefit for immediate reduction of symptomatic issues, or used regularly longer term for deep seeded issues. We sell wool flanel and high quality castor oil in our store for your convenience. Edna, Cait, Lydia & team have used castor oil for a plethora of issues;
2) Chia seed pudding/water and fermented foods: offer relief of constipation in a gentle manner; added fiber for daily bulk and magnet to pull and carry toxins out, and nutrients through fermentation used as a 'pre-biotic' to feed the good guys to establish microbiome for balance & robust immune system.
Click HERE for Cleveland Clinic article and evidence that this chia water works as an “internal shower” technique, and for many people. This link will also offer you what to watch out for if you do too much, too fast.
Remember this, always test, and then take what suggestions work for you and change up what doesn't work, but give it a chance like Ceylon recommends with nutrition, the foods you might be testing, and when trying out new products to help.
In Light Hyperbarics Blog was featured on FeedSpot Bloggers Database
as #17 of 45 BEST Blogs & Websites in their HBOT category for 3/2024
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is information for educational purposes.