Migraines may seem like a minor inconvenience to those who don’t experience them, but sufferers know the debilitating pain that migraines can cause. They can be reoccurring and cause symptoms in other parts of the body beyond the head, as you have heard some people complain of the following associated with it, such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound.
Migraines vs. Other Headaches
One of the main points to understanding migraines is to know the difference between a migraine and other headache types like cluster or tension headaches.
Here are some of the main signs that you could be suffering from a migraine:
Before the attack (Prodrome)- Sufferers may notice some minor changes one or two day before the headache or migraine starts. Some of those changes might be neck stiffness, constipation, increased yawning, food cravings, or more frequent urinations.
During the migraine (Aura)- Not all migraine sufferers experience aura. For those who do suffer from it, the timing can also vary. Some people experience aura right before the migraine starts, while it may not be triggered until the start of the migraine for others. Typically, aura starts with visual symptoms such as vision loss or seeing flashes of light. It can progress into other problems such as the feeling of pins and needles in extremities and difficulty speaking. Aura usually builds up over minutes and can last for up to an hour.
The migraine (Attack)- The actual migraine attack can last anywhere from 4 hours to 3 days, if left untreated. Migraine frequency varies from individual to individual. Some people experience migraines once or twice a year while others suffer through migraine pain several times a month. The type of symptoms one experiences during a migraine episode also varies.
After the migraine (Post-drome)- Migraines can be both physically and mentally exhausting. Many people feel tired and physically depleted after an attack, while others experience a feeling of euphoria.
How can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Help Migraines?
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a natural, non-invasive therapy that involves breathing in oxygen in a pressurized chamber. Many people have reported being helped with everything from migraines to depression using HBOT.
Migraines can be linked to several variables. Some are caused by enlarged blood vessels, which HBOT can help alleviate with proper circulation promotion, as HBOT aids in the narrowing of blood vessels, which can help reduce these types of migraines.
HBOT is a natural anti-inflammatory, the hyper-oxygenation can also reduce inflammation, which has been theorized as a possible link to some migraines. HBOT also encourages the production of blood cells by creating new blood cells through the power of increased oxygen production.
At In Light Hyperbarics, we have witnessed the results of HBOT in many clients. We understand that one of the best ways to help many ailments, is to give the body what it needs to heal itself so that results can be sustainable.
We have a variety of hyperbaric chambers to best meet your needs and help you feel better. For more information on our modalities, feel free to schedule a consultation or give us a call at (360) 946-0924.