Sports Injury Rehab & Recovery
Sports Injury Rehabilitation and Recovery
Sports injuries can range from a simple but really bad bruise, to all the way to a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Because sports injuries can span such a large scope, it is important to understand the best way to recover and rehabilitate from every sport related injury.
Here are a few of the most common sports injuries out there:
Pulled groin- A pulled groin is a torn or overstretched muscle or group of muscles at the top of the thigh or the front of the hip. This can result in pain when raising the knee or opening and closing the legs. Other signs of a pulled groin include bruising in the inner thigh and muscle weakness.
Sprained ankle- A sprained ankle is an injury around the band of tissue that connects two bones in the ankle together. This can result in swelling, pain, and a limited ability to move the affected joints.
Shin splints- Shin splints happen when there is an overuse of the shinbone, which can cause muscles, tendons, and bone tissue to be overworked. Some symptoms of shin splints include throbbing or aching around the shin after running or even light jogs.
Torn anterior cruciate ligament injury (ACL) – This painful injury is a sprain or tear in the tissue that connects the thigh bone to the shinbone. This can result in a loud popping sensation in the knee, fast swelling, and a feeling that the leg is unstable when trying to put pressure on it.
Tennis elbow- This is an irritation or inflammation of the tissues or tendons that connect the forearm to the elbow. The main symptom of tennis elbow is pain around the elbow, or possibly even near the wrist and forearm.
Getting past the pain and working on increasing range of motion after a sports injury is imperative for the recovery process. Tissue Regenerative Therapy (TRT) could be a great alternative or add-on treatment to help some clients with a sports injury recover more quickly.
TRT or soft wave therapy uses acoustic sound waves around the area of injury/inflammation to stimulate the body’s natural healing ability and promote the development of new blood cells to the area of concern.
TRT is also an effective therapy to encourage the body’s own production of stem cells - which are the front line soldiers of healing. This FDA approved therapy is a natural and can be used to powerfully treat sports injuries, along with other aches and pains.
Producing new blood cells allows the body to rebuild and repair tendons, tissue, or even damaged cartilage as a result of an injury.
TRT can also help improve some of the common complaints of an injury, such as:
- Chronic inflammation
- Poor circulation or blood flow
- Stem cell production
- Scar tissue problem areas
- Slow healing time
Sports injuries can take someone away from athletics for long periods of time. Some people never fully recover or recover with some limitations, never being able to get back to the same level of athleticism as when they were pre-injury.
In Light Hyperbarics understands how important it is for you to be able to get back to peak performance as safely and quickly as possible. We offer natural solutions that promote the body’s ability to heal from the inside out.