High Blood Pressure(Hypertension)
High Blood Pressure(Hypertension)
High blood pressure (hypertension) is known as the silent disease and is a very common condition across the country with more than 68 million Americans or 1 in every 3 U.S. adults suffering from it. Hypertension is considered blood pressure above 140/90 and is severe if pressure is above 180/120. Hypertension typically has no other symptoms. High blood pressure happens when the force of blood against the arteries is high enough to potentially cause health and medical problems. High blood pressure can lead to problems such as stroke and heart disease if left untreated. If symptoms of high blood pressure do appear, they mostly go unrecognized because they present as common problems or ailments associated with other conditions. Therefore, it is known as a silent disease. Some signs of high blood pressure include:
Severe headache
Racing pulse
Irregular heartbeat
Difficulty breathing
Chest pain
Changes in vision
Chest pain
Because high blood pressure does not present any symptoms or symptoms are not commonly connected as symptoms of hypertension, it is very important to regularly track your blood pressure, eat healthy foods and seek the appropriate treatments, if needed.
How do people get high blood pressure?
There are two causes for high blood pressure. The first is primary (essential) hypertension. This type of high blood pressure doesn’t have any identifiable causes and develops over time. It is also the most common type.
The other type of high blood pressure is called secondary high blood pressure. Secondary high blood pressure is brought on by other medical conditions such as adrenal disease or kidney disease. It can also be caused by medicines like birth control pills, diet pills and antidepressants. Secondary high blood pressure is very rare and is more difficult to discover.
At In Light Hyperbarics, we offer two types of hyperbaric chambers for next level healing. The mild soft shell hyperbaric chamber contains infrared light therapy and hard shell chambers doses medical grade oxygen. We believe that everyone deserves complete healing and should be able to proactively keep themselves healthy. Our team is here to help answer your questions about HBOT, our chambers and the benefits of this natural healing.