Try SoftWave Technology BEFORE SURGERY! Learn the Difference Between Tissue Repair & Tissue Regeneration?

By Lydia M | In Light Hyperbarics News | October 2022 | Post #1

Up until the late 90’s, tissue repair through surgery was the only available option. Even though stressful, painful and expensive, it was the only acceptable form of treatment for tissue damage. Advancements in non-invasive, more holistic options have become available within the last decade, and are gaining momentum as the word spreads about the healing power of biotechnology.

Biotechnology - let’s break it down…in this instance, the most important thing to

understand is that technology is being used to create a biological response within us,

to harness the power of our cellular processes that heal the body.

How does TRT work?

TRT is a form of biotechnology that uses acoustical sound/shock waves created by a spark plug. The probe which makes contact with skin, has water in it, and when the spark goes off, it creates a high intensity, high frequency/hz - sound wave - that travels through the water - in the probe - to create a pulse at the end of the rubber base, and that creates a shock like feeling through your skin.

When the word spark plug is used, people tend to think this is electrical, but it isn’t, it’s water…it’s sound pushing water like a spark to create a reaction.

The closest example to how it feels is similar to when you get shocked by static discharge, by touching a metal object or someone else, after running on shaggy carpet on a cold day, but now, imagine the intensity raised and the pulse being short, instead of zapping all the way through a finger or up an arm…

The pulse is much more precise and direct, but just as short lived as a zap from static...happens and ends just as quick. The intensity can always be adjusted for maximum effect & comfort level, so communication is key between client & therapist.

Please continue reading and watch video below of a TRT session…

Does it hurt?

This is a non-invasive procedure and from our team's personal experience and what our clients have told us, the answer is no, not pain, but it can get uncomfortable for just a split second when the pulse is felt.

The pulses tend to be shocking to explain it best, but go away immediately. The result is also, almost immediate. This is all a matter of perspective, but generally speaking the reactions come from being surprised by the pulse, and then there’s immediate relief.

Because we’re stimulating cells, people report having a euphoric feeling overall & through the entire body. People tend to feel energized and yet relaxed at the same time. They report better function and much better sleep the day of treatment as well.

The waves help to:

Break down restricted fascia, calcification & scar tissue &

Reduce inflammation by bringing new blood flow very quickly to reduce pain & tension for better function.

What is this specific acoustic shock wave therapy?

This is low level lithotripsy - high level lithotripsy is used to break down kidney stones and gallstones, and we know how hard they are! The low level is used for pain, better function, and ultimately, healing!

Fast, effective & the cost is more acceptable than other technologies!

Treatment takes only 60 to 90 seconds to feel an effect per area. The amount of area needed to be covered will determine how long each appointment will take, but generally, it is a quick in and out that can be done during a lunch break.

The cost compared to treatments of surgical repair is a fraction. See the special running for our upcoming event below, or click here for ongoing pricing info: Click Here To Get Pricing

How often is treatment needed for maximum & lasting effect?

Dose: Weekly treatments for 4 to 6 weeks to stimulate own stem cell production to create healing.

Each week we are simulating injury without creating damage, which stimulates your own body's healing response, and tells the cells to come into the area we are treating.

When we do this on a weekly basis, for a few weeks, we are reminding the body that it is still healing and to not get lazy or complacent. When done at least 4 weeks consecutively, the body brings in stem cells to aid in healing naturally.

This is very much like having injections without the discomfort and time involved, or the HIGH COST of treatment.

Results are felt immediately by most but will vary to each person’s individual degree, but after 2 sessions, most people can definitely see a longer lasting effect.

After the 4 to 6 weeks of treatment you will continue to have healing for the next 10 weeks….It’s the gift that keeps on giving!!!

Benefits of TRT


Stimulates and activates stem cells

Repairs & regenerates tissue

No anesthesia required

Increases blood supply

Modulates inflammation

Reduces both acute AND chronic pain

No risk of infection

No scarring

No downtime

High patient satisfaction

Cost effective

“The Stem Cell Machine”

Nick-named by The Doctors Show

How does TRT help with pain & mobility?

  1. Activates your own stem cell regeneration for recovery

  2. Why are stem cells so important?

Stem cells are your Jack of all trades and master of ALL too! They have super powers that repair damaged tissue by having the ability to develop into whatever types of different cells are needed at any given time. For example, can change from brain cells to muscle cells, and have the ability to travel to wherever, and become whatever they need for an injured area recovery.

TRT stimulates tissue regeneration by causing more blood flow to circulate to a particular area of choice to initiate stem cell activity.

Hyperbaric Chambers in combination with TRT work well together to promote cell regeneration and neurogenesis: creation of new neurons in the brain.

TRT is so effective that it has been FDA cleared for the activation of connective tissue, the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers, increased blood supply, reduction of pain & inflammation.

“I just LOVE helping people have a better quality of life and get out of pain.”

~Edna Ness

This is Edna, co-owner of In Light & TRT SoftWave Certified Trainer, amongst so many other positions at In Light. She is the HEART & matriarch of the tribe! From personal experience, I can say that Edna’s knowledge in natural health and advanced technologies is superior, but it’s her customer service, love & deep care that clients keep coming back for year after year!

Edna’s belief in the healing power of the body through biotechnology, and the proof of recovery she has personally experienced through 100’s of TRT clients, and herself, over the last few years, is what fuels her excitement and drive to spread the word.

Edna became completely SOLD on this technology through her own experiences of healing. She was leery of the far reaching abilities of this technology until she broke her back, and TRT along with HBOT, helped her pain, healing and faster recovery than she could have ever hoped for.

Like I often say to so many people over the last two years: “Run, don’t walk to In LIght…you won’t regret it!”

Areas & conditions that can be treated

  • Musculoskeletal pain & injuries: bones, joints, muscles & connective tissue (ligaments & tendons):

  • Knee and ankle pain

  • Neuropathy

  • Foot & Heel pain

  • Tendonitis / Achilles tendon injuries

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Hip and hamstring pain

  • Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

  • Shoulder pain

  • Wrist and hand pain

  • Sports injuries

  • Muscle pain and tension

  • Overuse injuries

  • Mild/Mod Arthritis

  • Fractures needing help healing

  • Surgical wounds or bone needing help healing

  • Non-surgical wounds

Analogies to help explain concept further…

1) We are water beings, at least over 65%. In the vast ocean that is our body we have what we call stem cells. Some people have more, some less, and with age they weaken & decrease.

TRT simulates an injury near the area of concern to produce more stem cells.

Imagine, you are one of the stem cells that is in the vast ocean called the body, and you’re looking for where to go, to where you may be needed…

Now, think of the TRT probe as what turns on the light in the lighthouse to show the stem cells where to go.

This process is executed, by way of shockwaves, which pulse around the spot of where the injury is. Simulating a NEW injury, TRT is capable of helping the body know where to allocate its store of stem cells…SO EFFICIENT!!!

2) Think of a storm on the ocean and a rocky shore line with the waves crashing up against it, and the tinsel wave pulls back out into the ocean, and then returns back again; it repeats like a - crash and pull - over and over again, to get a stem cell response in the area of concern.


Rose Monday, coach of the U.S. Olympic Women’s Track and Field Team calls it her “secret weapon.” Click Here for the story and who else is using TRT!

And baseball is in on it too!! Pain relief for the WIN!

What People Are Saying

“My knees were in so much pain when I walked in for my treatment. The treatment was quick and I felt like dancing when I got off the table. I felt so good.. I sat on the table and crossed my legs. That hasn’t happened in years!”

— Betty W. Tigard OR

“It feels like I have been walking on bubble wrap for years. I have the electrical pain shooting in my feet. Losing my balance is my fear. After one TRT treatment I felt grounded, like the bubble wrap had all popped. This therapy has been life changing.”

— Paul M. Vancouver WA

“After months of intermittent pain in my elbow and trying many different therapies, it only took one TRT treatment and my pain was gone within a week.”

— Robert L. Portland OR

Meet your TRT Technicians

ILH Co-Owner & TRT Tech

Edna has spent much of the last decade utilizing light therapy in clinical applications. She has also pioneered the introduction of MHBOT to SW Washington. Her passion to help suffering clients achieve wellness is a product of her own personal journey through pain, injuries and disease, which has shaped her into a compassionate healer. She loves giving her clients hope in their journey to achieving a healthier and higher quality of life!

SoftWave TRT Technician

Born in northern Mexico, Esther moved to the United States for college, graduating from the University of Arizona in 1980 with degrees in Psychology and Anthropology. She began her career as a Licensed Massage Therapist in 1985, specializing in deep tissue work for 34 years. In 2020, she transitioned into becoming a Certified Death Doula.

Fluent in Spanish, she’s been a lifelong business owner with diverse experience, including co-owning a wellness studio, running her own massage studio, and managing a coffee shop. Her career journey also includes auditing and assistant management roles.

Esther, with her extensive experience and expertise, specializes in offering SoftWave TRT, a cutting-edge treatment to alleviate your pain and discomfort. Her background as a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Death Doula demonstrates her profound commitment to well-being and care.

You can trust Esther to guide you on your journey to relief and healing, as she has done for countless clients over the years.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have.

We love connecting with our community and look forward to connecting with you!

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is information for educational purposes. 




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