Do You Feel SAD When the Seasons Turn OFF Your Sunshine? Learn HOW Combo Therapy Turns it Back ON!
Lydia M & Mariah K | In Light Hyperbarics News | November 2023 | Post #33
As we move into the gloomier season here in the Pacific Northwest, many of us may find ourselves affected by the change in weather and daylight. The beauty of fall can become a stressful time for the body & mind with the seasonal changes of darker skies, cooler weather, school starting and kids in cramped places can cause bugs and viruses to flourish. The biggie is that lack of sunshine lowers immunity & could dampen mental/emotional status as well.
There are ways to help yourself through what could be Seasonal Affective Disoder (SAD)…yes, it is sad feeling SAD, and especially when you can’t explain why the sudden shift in yourself.
Have you considered that a lack of light might be contributing, if not driving your BLUES? The emotional, mental, and at times, physical woes you may be experiencing could be weather & light related. Think back, do you ever notice feeling “off” when the season changes to darker skies? Do you possibly work the night shift or find yourself in a situation where you are indoors more and away from natural light for lengths of time? How does that make you feel? Like your SUNSHINE has been taken away, right?
According to the National Institute of Mental Health: “Sometimes, these mood changes are more serious and can affect how a person feels, thinks, and behaves. If you have noticed significant changes in your mood and behavior when the seasons change, you may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD). In most cases, SAD symptoms start in the late fall or early winter and go away during the spring and summer, known as winter-pattern SAD or winter depression.”
So let’s look into this and why the light dimming can TURN OFF certain genes from expressing themselves properly for emotional & mental strength. Then, we’ll look at what combination therapy is and why it promotes recovery if you suffer with SAD challenges!
It’s all about EPIGENETICS!!
Epigenetics is a field of biology that studies how our environment influences our cells. Epigenetic changes affect gene expression to turn genes “on” and “off”.
Gene expression is the process in which information from a gene is used by the cell. There are many different genes in a cell to be turned on for that cell to behave in one way or another. Therefore, genes will either be turned “on” or “off” by the cells environment.
We have the power to turn our genetic expression on or off and when the sun is turned down, so to speak, throughout the year, it also has the ability to turn off our cellular genetic expression. It’s literally as if the light switch has been turned off and the “lamp” no longer has the power/energy it needs to light up the room…in this case, to help your cells turn on and function as intended for your health, vitality and energy levels. It’s all about how the cells signal to one another which will determine how well they work. Improper signaling = lower function.
So…could light have an affect on turning these genes on or off, like a switch? Yes!
Our body responds to our environment and it can dictate how our genes will function. Similar to this analogy: if you have a child in a loving home with a family that meets their needs of not only the basics of food & shelter, but also, the need for love, discipline and guidance, that child will probably flourish…they will “express” themselves in a positive or “on” way.
If you have a child put into an unhealthy type of foster care situation (not saying that they are all bad - no, just an example here) and they have inconsistent meals, a cold room, and nobody following up on their emotional needs or heaven forbid, they are abused…is that child with a hungry belly and unstable nervous system going to be able to focus well in school and social situations? Probably not as well as a child in the previous example, right? This child’s epigenetic status will probably be turned “off” in this case.
The same example can be used to describe the environment in which your cells live. Are you turning the switch on or off for your cellular status?
We have specific genes that when a cell becomes abnormal, the cell activates said genes to tell itself that something is wrong, and it needs to commit suicide...that is apoptosis. We want to avoid this process by keeping our cellular expression TURNED ON and ROBUST!
If genes are dormant or turned off due to the cells epigenetic traits and environment, the system doesn’t work as set up. Is the environment filled with toxins and more acidic than alkaline from food, the environment and overuse of prescription drugs? Does it have more serotonin or cortisol floating around? Is the gene dormant due to lack of food from oxygen & light? It all matters to create a balanced environment.
Epigenetics baby…let’s get to turning some genes on for cellular regeneration!
Modern medicine is catching up to how important our environment and cellular expression is for our overall physical & mental well being.
In fact, The National Library of Medicine for BioTechnology Information discusses the importance of this in medicine and the research article, An Epigenetic Perspective on Lifestyle Medicine for Depression Implications for Primary Care Practice: “Lifestyle Medicine addresses such factors and has the potential to alleviate the burden of depression by promoting healthful depression-reducing epigenetic changes. Medical training programs must prepare tomorrow’s health care providers, especially primary care providers, in how to apply an epigenetics-evidenced lifestyle medicine approach to prevent, treat, and reverse depression and its associated disorders.” Click Here for full article.
Medicine is starting to understand and promote the fact that when the cells are given proper food they perform as intended! Light IS FOOD for your cells and it helps for Turning On your genes for HAPPY!
Dr. Z is the LSPro Light Systems creator/owner & ILH’s Medical Director
“Let light be your medicine! The way for us to have continual and effective cell regeneration is through Oxygen & Light, aka…cellular FOOD!”
~Dr. Z
~Dr. Zayd Ratansi quoted this and LIVES IT!! Dr. Z, as we love to refer to him, is a licensed Naturopathic Physician with advanced certifications in hyperbaric medicine, bio oxidative medicine, low level light therapy, chelation therapy and environmental medicine.
LS Pro Light Systems Intelligent Light Therapy review by MMA Champion Cris Cyborg
This world champ did a review of the LS Pro Systems therapeutic lights for recovery & mental health! Click Here for the #CYBORGNATION blog.
How is light medicine & food for cells?
Photobiomodulation is the process in which the body absorbs light and turns it into energy - Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which produces energy, turns into food for the center of the cell called the mitochondria - the powerhouse of the cell. Photobiomodulation involves the use of red or near-infrared light at low power depth to produce energy as food that has beneficial effect on cells and cellular expression.
Like a plant uses sunlight and oxygen to grow, turn green and create chlorophyll…we use the sun too for OPTIMAL CELLULAR EXPRESSION!
From the book, Red Light Therapy Miracle Medicine, from author Mark Sloan: “Nootropics (pronounced: no-oh-troh-picks), also called smart drugs or cognitive enhancers, have undergone a dramatic spike in popularity in recent years and are being used by many people to enhance brain functions such as memory, crativity and motivation. The positive effects of brain function are significant and well established scientifically. In fact, light in the red and near-infrared spectrums could very well be the most powerful nootropics ever discovered. Let’s look at some evidence for this.
Researchers from the University of Texas applied near-infrared laser light to the foreheads of healthy volunteers and measured its effects on cognitive parameters, including attention, memory and mood in 2013. The light therapy group experienced improvements in reaction time, memory and an increase in positive emotional states at the two-week follow up. The data imply that transcranial laser stimulation could be used as a non-invasive and efficacious approach to increase brain functions such as those related to cognitive and emotional dimensions.” (p. 31)
Researchers have found that exposure to light therapy increases blood flow and oxygenation to the brain, reduces inflammation, and improves cognitive performance, including attention, memory & executive function, and all of this increases emotional stability.
Click here for the research.
Now let’s add HBOT!
LIGHT THERAPY & HBOT - TOGETHER - can be GAME changers for your brain health, which communicates with the rest of your entire body, and that means telling the body how to function & feel, including your MOODS. There is so much excitement surrounding the combination of these therapies, and In Light Hyperbarics is here for you to experience all of the benefits!
So, if you can’t get away for a holiday to a tropical destination, take your vacation with us to fill ya cells up with food from LIGHT & OXYGEN!
Combo Therapy for TURNING ON HAPPY genes
for Mental Health, Energy & Beyond…
Combination therapy is using more than one modality at a time, just as you would take a multi-vitamin, greens & a probiotic, versus a single dose vitamin for greater & MUCH QUICKER effectiveness. The combination of different modalities with HBOT, especially with all of the different Therapeutic Light Therapy devices that we have at ILH, can help promote the delivery of oxygen and the light that is needed as food for cells! Deep healing is NOT a ONE & DONE…it takes time, consistency and combination modalities! Click here for more ILH’s SAD info!
SICKNESS IS NOT A NATURAL STATE OF BEING…But, sickness IS a natural by-product of cells becoming abnormal through epigenetic expression of genes being TURNED “OFF” due to their environment.
Watch the video below promoting combination therapy from Dr. Jason Sonners: Doctor of Chiropractic, Jason earned his Diplomate of the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition (DCBCN) and his Diplomate of the International Board of Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK). He is one of only 250 professionals in the world with this distinction. Dr. Sonners is currently enrolled in the University of Miami School of Medicine earning his PhD in biochemistry with a concentration in regenerative medicine.
And next, you can Read here about the SCIENCE & BENEFITS of hardshell HBOT on our ILH News blog, and what it feels like to be inside of one, to completely understand how this POWER DUO of THERAPY can help promote the recovery of your seasonal woes!
Cruise through these pics to see a sampling of what the chambers and light therapy devices look like at In Light!
STOP that “OFF” process of your genetic expression NOW with coming in for your choice of HBOT & all of the Therapeutic Light Therapy that ILH has to offer our community!! Run don’t walk to us for some OXYGEN & SHINE in your LIFE!
In Light Hyperbarics Blog was featured on FeedSpot Bloggers Database
as #21 of 45 BEST HBOT Blogs & Websites in
their HBOT category for 8/23 & 1/24!
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is information for educational purposes.