A Mother's Perspective on In Light Hyperbarics 

By Lydia M | In Light Hyperbarics | October 2022 | Post #2 

In Light Hyperbarics, where it all began and where it feels has come full circle…well at least for now, but with this tribe, I’m not sure how wide the circle will grow, nor how full it will become with LIT memories, before I can really say “full circle”.   One thing I know for sure is to not put limitations on this tribe and their HOPE DEALING, because they have lots of it to share!

Speaking of HOPE, have you noticed something? What's going on at this little corner of downtown Vancouver?  I drove by the building for years and never dreamt that it would become a life-line at some point in my own life. HOPIUM is for sale here:: Hope Addict buttons; Hope apparel, and most certainly, a tribe of Hope dealers available to help their clients.  They have the kind of mental fortitude needed to hold hope for others, and their sites set on a healing NorthStar to light their way. 

Those days at the beginning of the journey, looking for the right place to take my 18 year old with a brain injury to recover, were the darkest and most surreal moments of the journey. The days were almost a blur of time frames and clips of images blending into one; scenes flashing through so fast we could barely catch our breath. We weren’t prepared for what came at us, nor the decisions needing to be made that would impact the rest of his life. The ladies at In Light took us in, held our hands, asked us to trust THE SCIENCE & them, and from there, our HOPE began to rise!

For the first couple of weeks of crisis, before we could see more consistent and lasting changes in healing, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) was the only thing that would bring my son back to any sense of normal or reality to be able to communicate with…even if for short periods of time at the beginning, at least we had that to count on to get us through the darker symptomatic moments of the injury. 

HBOT in Mom language…

This advanced type of healing technology has been around longer than most people think, and is more commonly used amongst professional sports teams, alternative medicine specialists, wound clinics & hospitals. It involves a soft or hard - very comfortable, cylindrical chamber that you lay in for a duration of 60 to 90 min per session - while breathing in clean oxygen through a mask or comfortable cannula. 

   Soft Shell - inflates and is considered a “mild” dive in the industry AND

Hard Shell - does not inflate, is made of steel, and is considered a “deep” dive.

The ‘dive’, as the session is typically referred to, creates a submarine type atmospheric pressure that is raised up to 3 times higher pressure than normal - and - very - slowly - to accommodate the body regulating itself to the pressure.

Imagine the feeling being similar to going up in an airplane and your ears popping, or scuba diving and feeling pressure in your ears, that’s very similar to what it feels like. The purpose being that your lungs, brain & all cells can receive more oxygen in that kind of atmosphere for increased healing potential versus breathing normal air…LIKE over 15 times MORE capacity… please keep reading!

HBOT endorsed by mental health experts & psychiatrists at nationally acclaimed Amen Clinic where I recently took my son. I’ve been blessed to have been led, yet again, to another amazing healing center…The Amen Clinic.  For those of you who do not know about this clinic, Dr. Daniel Amen, psychiatrist extraordinaire, with over 30 years experience, 135,000 SPECT brain scans documented in the database from over 120 countries (largest in the world), 10-time New York Times bestselling author, producer of 12 PBS shows on the brain, and has opened offices with 10 locations in major cities across the country…WHEW!!! Well, he’s a HUGE advocate of HBOT, as are his doctors & practitioners.  Get to know more about Dr. Amen here

Amen Clinics believe in this type of oxygen therapy so much, that the office we went to in the Seattle area, had a chamber set up and running at the facility; HBOT was the first recommendation on the treatment plan for recovery,  and they go as far as to say:

“HBOT is perhaps the safest procedure in medicine used to treat brain injuries.”

I can attest to this therapy working from personal experience and for my son, especially! The basic “in’s & out’s” of how this works is that, “often, healing is inhibited by a restriction of blood flow (and oxygen) to the injured part of the body.  With HBOT, healing is promoted by maximizing the amount of oxygen in the blood that can reach the injured area, and it provides this extra oxygen naturally with minimal side effects.” www.amenclinic.com

Benefits of HBOT - including but are not limited to the following: 

  • TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury: Sports, injury or biochemically related

  • Pain management

  • Lyme Disease

  • Physical Injury Recovery

  • Post Surgical Recovery / Wound Recovery

  • Anti-Aging

  • Increased Energy

  • Brain Disorder Prevention: ADD/ADHD; Alzheimer’s Disease / Dimentia

  • Migraine Relief

  • Cancer Remission Recovery

…and this might be why…

HBOT is backed by SCIENCE and so many experts because it “delivers up to 15 times more oxygen to the body’s tissues; stimulates the body’s natural mechanisms for self-healing, and is highly effective for the treatment of a wide range of serious conditions and diseases.” www.amenclinic.com

In fact, “A new study from Tel Aviv University (TAU) and the Shamir Medical Center in Israel indicates that hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBOT) in healthy aging adults can stop the aging of blood cells and reverse the aging process. In the biological sense, the adults' blood cells actually grow younger as the treatments progress.

The researchers found that a unique protocol of treatments with high-pressure oxygen in a pressure chamber can reverse two major processes associated with aging and its illnesses: the shortening of telomeres (protective regions located at both ends of every chromosome) and the accumulation of old and malfunctioning cells in the body.”  https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201120150728.htm


Now, let’s refer back to the previous post I wrote on TRT and the importance of stem cells in the body, and how to regenerate them further…

Read More About TRT Here


To wrap this all up…I have taken my son to four doctors in 2.5 years for his recovery, and each one of them has put HBOT on the top 3 treatment priorities for brain injury healing.

So when you will hear me say: “Run, don’t walk to In Light for Next Level Healing!” …I say it because it’s true, and now you might understand and have a glimpse as to why…but if you don’t yet, well hang on then, and come visit this blog page often to learn about the many stories of why people rush here.

There are so many stories to share about the amazing clients who have walked through the doors of In Light, and not only about the struggles, but about the hope that was created to heal!

To help honor all of these journey’s, and to keep sharing knowledge about the multitude of services offered at In Light Hyperbarics, we will be starting a series of healing stories to share it all: the struggles, the journey, the healing, and eternal HOPE from these amazing DEALERS!

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have.

We love connecting with our community and look forward to connecting with you.

(360) 326-3264

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is information for educational purposes. 


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