Want to be LIGHT YEARS Ahead by Using LIGHT THERAPY?

LSPro Light Therapy with Cait

By Lydia M | In Light Hyperbarics | November 2022 | Post #3

It’s only fitting that my next post be about the other half of In Light’s dynamic duo, co-owner, Caitlin Wilson. Where I describe Edna as the Matriarch of In Light with a Tinkerbell vibe, Caitlin has always carried a SOFT BADASS vibe for me. The kind of vibe where women aren’t intimidated to approach her, but you just know that you’ll have to stay on your toes to keep up with this woman and her zest for knowledge & life! I credit her, just as equally, for saving my son’s life in the beginning of his crisis, and becoming his good friend throughout the journey - Thank you, thank you!

Each of the ladies has created their own niche of expertise at the center and LIGHT is Cait’s gig for sure!  So I sat down with her this week and we had ourselves a chat to get to the heart of why she is so passionate about this therapy and its multitude of benefits. Personally, I’m really excited about this, because I’ve become a little obsessed with the LS Pro Light Therapy Systems myself. I’ve grown to use them just about daily for all kinds of aches & pains; tightness in my back and neck/shoulder area, and for helping me with occasional flare ups from an old bunion. 

I don’t just use light therapy (LT) for pain, I use the lights for all kinds of inflammation, such as sinus draining when really stuffy, or ear ‘popping’ when there’s pressure to be released. I use the eye mask when I feel like I look as tired as I feel, and the brain cap to clear up brain fog, or to calm me down from computer screen over activity at the end of day…I could go on & on. I drive my family nuts by constantly saying, ”Use the LIGHTS, will you please just use the LIGHTS?”  I’ll tell you what, lights have become my Advil…no joke.

As Cait puts it, LT picked her and she accepted the task to become its messenger, and her message is to:

“Get your daily serving of the essential nutrient - LIGHT - through high quality therapeutic Light Therapy!” 

Let’s find out why…

LM: What do you mean light picked you?

CW: It picked me through personal experiences of becoming unstuck from pain…the kind of pain that was all encompassing: emotionally, mentally & physically gripping my young body…I was a 20 yr old girl in what felt like an 80 yr old body. I was crippled with fatigue, lack of motivation, and somewhat depressed because I was always questioning my body; it had failed me and I developed a lack of trust that it had the power to fight off infections and illnesses, and I was sick often. I carried this silent fear around with me of what the next 10, 20 years would look like if I wasn’t able to turn my health around… 

 In 2004 after battling a frightening health crisis and graduating high school, traditional medicine sent me home with no answers for my onset illness and good luck healing myself…Talk about growing up FAST!!! 

Holistic nutrition and remedies came into play via Edna, who happened to be the mom of my boyfriend at the time. Then my own mom discovered the benefits of Far-Infrared Sauna Therapy and how it could boost my immune system via sweat and detoxify the unwanted pathogens that were continuously cursing me from living the life I so desired. This includes heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. More on this amazing modality later!


My ninja angel warrior Mother did her momma bear research and bought me a sauna to put it in my bedroom. How did she have the foresight to purchase this, and have the wherewithal to research and find what worked for me?  Within that same timeframe we discovered a business within the same block of where we lived that was called Ceragem, a Korean based technology that emanated far infrared heat that penetrated the body via jade rollers - on a massage bed - that would massage the spine. It helps align the structure and penetrates far infrared heat throughout the stone for the stomach too…why, you say? It stimulates the immune system, digestion and relaxes your central nervous system, similar to a sauna.


These methods began to quickly make a difference in me, and then your girl unexpectedly gets hired part time. I began diving deeper into all things alternative healing and that’s where my passion was really ignited! Next, comes Edna, my partner in crime - always -  with her light therapy practices…while I was still healing and benefiting from the other modalities, I continued to struggle with my health for my age: I would pick up any virus; my throat would swell up, I was hormonal and moody, still struggling with my energy and zest for life.


Edna had a blue light wand that she put on my throat for 20 minand within an hour my tonsils swelled up to the size of golfballs….”WHAT DID YOU TO ME EDNA? This isn’t working!” was my initial reaction…but then after that short lived episode, my throat literally purged out large white stone like substances that were lodged in my tonsils. We call this a mild healing crisis. With the stones in my throat gone, my pain, swelling & inflammation was immediately GONE, and not just that but the recurrence of throat issues - GONE! 


With using LIGHT, my energy levels increased, my immune system became stronger and my mood shifted because my hormones began balancing out naturally…finally, with consistent LT and NOT drugs.  I didn’t understand the inner workings of it all, the science….but I told everyone about the power of light. The healthier I became, the more excited I became and it all grew my love for myself and appreciation for my body! It was empowering.


“Everyone should consider his body as a priceless gift from one whom he loves above all, a marvelous work of art, of indescribable beauty”

~Nikola Tesla


Fast forward to 2008 and I’m traveling through Costa Rica when I’m attacked again with an immune system crash….I had a parasite that kept me from eating without pain; a bug bite that became infected and needed urgent medical care, a kidney infection during one of our traveling trips and my system would often crash with mysterious rashes appearing. It was wild! Looking back on this 5 month long backpacking trip, my immune system was screaming for help!

I couldn’t leave this dream trip of mine, so I stayed and tried to show up for life and live well, and therefore, I was determined to find a solution…. I was not blinded by the light, upon coming home; I was set FREE and HEALED by it all over AGAIN. What in the freakin’ heck is this powerful tool and how does it work?

 2013 comes along, and I took this on as a legit profession and became an expert overnight. From zero to 100, I had found my calling. It was then that I dove into this as a business with Edna, the best partner in crime a girl could ever ask for. We made a deal on my 27th birthday while wine tasting in Hood River, OR to go into business together with the mission to LIGHT UP THE WORLD and bring this technology to the FOREFRONT! And so it is.


LSPro Lights on Cait

LM: You continue to say that LIGHT was the CATALYST for the birth of ILH!

CW: ABSO-FRICKIN-LUTLEY! If light therapy could heal me and my immune system...what else can it do?  I began to learn and feel that light is a nutrient provided by the sun. It all started to click for me.

Modern day technology is simply harnessing the power of the SUN that we absorb through our skin and eyes, which in turn stimulates ATP in the Mitochondria (cellular energy), to give the body the power to heal itself from the inside out. Simple science. Light is a primal nutrient required by every cell to function, and therefore thrive!  How I recovered from Epstein Barr, a chronic viral infection, was with intentional and focused healing with LT, mixed with a few other practices along the way!

 Our bodies were designed to heal from the inside out if given the right tools and environment!


Cait’s Fun Fact:  At 7 years old I came home from school one day and ran in the house…”Mom, I want to be a rainbow for Halloween this year!!” Her response was, well… confusion. But she pulled it off, and I was a freakin’ rainbow (LIGHT SPECTRUM) that year. Go figure, kids always know.. ;)

The fact that I was fascinated with the light spectrum, colors, and sunshine since I was born, should tell you all something about the fact that I was put on this planet to share the benefits of LIGHT & COLOR!

Then there were the conversations with my father about light therapy and if it even worked...”Dad I have no idea how…I just know it works.” So, my desire grew from there to prove to my dad that it does in fact work, with science based research studies and LONGER TERM results provided. I needed to change his mind and I was motivated by his skeptical outlook on the power of light that I had fallen in love with learning it all. 

WELL…Lo and behold my BIGGEST skeptic soon became my biggest FAN & believer. Experience is everything, and I still believe it’s more powerful than any “controlled study” will ever be.  It was time to learn the HOW, WHAT & WHY about this and put my learning hat on to be able to teach, to heal and SHINE ON for others!!!!

LM: I’ve heard you mention several times that this isn’t NEW TECHNOLOGY, but rather ANCIENT…what do you mean by this?

CW: This technology was/is considered “woo-woo”, but then when SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) became a more prevalent issue, and Light Box Therapy began to gain momentum, the issues of light deficit in the body came to the forefront, but the history of where light therapy may have originated from, could take us to as far back as ancient Egyptian times. 

Within documented history, the power of light to heal has been used for literally thousands of years. After all, the sun created and shaped this planet and not only does it sustain us, it also has the power to heal us all from the inside out. 

My favorite example takes us as far back as Egyptian times, where they used the sun for acute and chronic conditions. They had solarium temples specifically built that had stained glass roofing of various colors allowing the sun to swim through and create a rainbow within, the visible part of the light spectrum of the sun. The rainbow was literally used in these temples for focused healing.  They would also utilize crystals of various colors and place them on parts of the body for even more specific and intentional focused healing. Wow!

The Greeks & Romans would emphasize the thermal effects of light and utilize the far-infrared heat for healing. Back in 400 B.C., Hippocrates, would actually prescribe sunlight via sunbathes for a variety of ailments as well. Evidence is all throughout history.

For more information on historical use of LT and Light Boxes, click here https://www.sunbox.com/the-surprising-history-of-light-therapy/  

Documentation shows us how it all began…LIGHT was the beginning of EVERYTHING!

Afterall, the Bible begins with: 

 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

Genesis 1:3 NIV

LM: Is white light a combination of every color, or the other way around, every color combined is white light?...and why is this important?

CW: Unlike mixing paint, which will give you a darker color, when you mix all the colors of the light spectrum, you get white light! It happens all the time. The white light all around us — whether from the Sun or from a regular lightbulb — is a combination of different colored light. 


Isaac Newton’s prism experiment below shows us that the answer to the question is that it depends on which way you are looking at the light, and through which medium, for example, are you looking through a crystal/glass prism/water droplet to see the rainbow of color spectrum, or are you looking through the opposite side of prism to the white light source coming through it? 


So you can see above that when white light passes through a prism, it then separates the color into a frequency spectrum…what this means is that the lights separate based on the wavelength of each color, and create a RAINBOW…my fave!!!

This is important in reference to healing, because light isn’t used just to illuminate darkness in a room or look pretty in the sky as a rainbow… Light is used to grow things and to feed our cells for proper cell function. When you have proper cell function, healing will naturally occur. Light therapy uses the different wavelengths, typically of near-infrared, red and blue for targeted & intentional healing. Other wavelengths and colors may be used as well! 

So, are you LIGHT YEARS ahead and taking advantage of this ancient practice mixed with next level modern day technology? Are you using light with intention? Did you know that you CAN? My life completely shifted when I figured out how it could elevate my own when I integrated the concept of Therapeutic Sunshine into my lifestyle! The fear of onset illness has literally left my body, mind and spirit.


Light Therapy didn’t come about just yesterday…

but it certainly is the medicine of RIGHT NOW & the future!

…and IN LIGHT is your resource!...use us!


LM: Do you think there should be equal attention given to malnutrition due to LIGHT as there is malnutrition due to food?

CW: YASSSS, what a lit question. Better yet, this is a concept known as, “Mal-illumination”...it’s a real thing, who knew?

Mal-illumination can be caused by poor light exposure, and due to the amount of time we spend indoors, under unhealthy artificial lighting, in front of computer or phone screens… and topped with NOT enough time in pure radiant sunlight, nor receiving light therapy, can be the equivalent to eating CRAP, such as processed fast food versus get yourself to the salad bar… that’s the kind of malnutrition you can experience from low light exposure. 

Now…think of where you live geologically and the lack of sunlight during the year to add to the mix.  One of Edna’s greatest examples of this is what happens when you put a plant in a dark room? Will it grow and thrive or will it whither and die? A garden needs sunlight to flourish…likewise, human cells do too. So when we talk about the benefits of light therapy on the entire body, it’s like explaining what the benefits are of a balanced diet with added supplementation, on the body, as an example. To put it simply… LET LIGHT BE THY FOOD! 

“Like your daily DOSE of fish oil or Vit C…come on in and get ya some daily servings of LIGHT supplementation!”  

- Cait Wilson

Fun side note about light in food: 

When we ingest plants; veggies, fruits and herbs, we are legit eating the LIGHT PHOTONS they have absorbed while growing from the sun. It is what makes them green, it’s called chlorophyll… the green pigment in plants -or- what I like to call the blood of a plant. 

In fact, there is only one molecular difference between chlorophyll and hemoglobin. Chlorophyll has magnesium versus hemoglobin having iron. WE NEED all the GREEN to purify & nourish our blood!!  

If plants THRIVE from the sun, think about humans?!?! How about giving yourself a really big boost by adding Light Therapy into your daily routine to nourish the cells in your hemoglobin.

LM: How does Light Therapy work, what kind of light works & why?

CW: The LT that I’m referring to uses Near- Infrared, Red & Blue Light Waves which are part of the electromagnetic spectrum and rainbow color spectrum emitted by LIGHT to fuel our cells. These specific light wavelengths affect cells because they are actually “bioactive” in our bodies…meaning that the light, when absorbed by our skin or eyes, influences the function of our entire cellular system. Woah!

We explained in a previous post how technology is being used to affect our biological responses, our cell expression, through softwave (TRT) machines & “biotechnology”. Well, think of light working the same way to affect our cellular health (See link below for post).

LM: How does light become bioactive in our bodies?

CW: Light promotes ATP production in the mitochondria to boost energy at the cellular level. Light is in essence, food for our cells, and our cells need to be robust for our well being, healing potentiality and energy levels.

Our skin/eyes accept light and convert it into ATP through many processes, and ATP is your energy currency - like money in the bank. The more ATP you have stored in your cells, and continuously generating, using all of the modalities available here at In Light, for example, the more energy reserve you may have to pull from - for not only living - but to THRIVE, regenerate and heal. 

FACTS: Light photons are required by every single cellular activity, and provide your body energy to function… AND, research suggests that by exposing specific chromophores to specific wavelengths of light, an accessible tumor can be destroyed through the use of laser therapy. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9172259/

So if light can crumble a tumor, let’s open our minds to the fact that we’ve learned to harness the power of the frequency of light for specific, targeted, focused and intentional healing…and it doesn’t even hurt to use, on the contrary, it causes RELIEF!

LM: Can you please critique my explanation here? I love to connect the dots when I’m learning… I’m thinking of Light Therapy in the simplest of ways, using Newton’s principle. I understand it as a specific light frequency - from the color spectrum - that is being used to shine through little prisms in whatever device is being used, to create a wavelength that penetrates through skin/photo-receptors of the body - into cells - to provide energy and ask cells to express themselves in a certain way (Epigenetics, but we’ll get into that in a later post). This is the simplest way for this Momma to understand and explain this.

CW:  Yes, and I love the reference to cell expression and would love to continue that and the photo-receptor conversation in our next post. 

To learn more about LT benefits from Cait & Edna on Into the LIght with Crazy Cait Podcast:


LM: How does the blue light wave that is used for LT, differ from that of artificial blue light that emanates from today’s devices?

CW: Blue screen light is not good for the body, because it over-stimulates the nervous system (not good & can contribute to ‘fight or flight’ feelings from imbalanced hormones), and it definitely interferes with sleep, to name a couple of reasons. 

Therapeutic blue light is different in that it does not have negative effects like artificial blue light does. In addition, lack of natural light, when combined with overexposure to artificial light, can cause a wide variety of health problems… it’s like anything else, an imbalance of the bad stuff wreaks havoc.

To help explain the benefits of blue light therapy: Physicians in the mid to late 1800’s were practicing the use of lights and would explain the differences between the two spectrums of light - red/blue - as one exciting the nervous system (red - hot) and the other relaxing it (blue -cool). One spectrum heats, while the other cools, and together they create further balance…is another way of thinking about the properties of light.

In fact, what do hospitals do when an infant has jaundice? They put the baby under BLUE LIGHT, stimulating liver function to push out the bilirubin. Likewise, midwives will suggest to put baby carrier or changing station up against an open window for baby to sunbathe until the jaundice clears up. 

LM: What does the SCIENCE say?

CW: Light is the best way to help your nervous system relax, get you into a parasympathetic state and out of the sympathetic state - the fight or flight state - and brings you back into recovery & harmony to heal and further thrive. Modern day research continues to show us as such. Stanford University School of Medicine tenured associate professor, Andrew Huberman, from the Department of Neurobiology, is a HUGE advocate of light therapy and continuously promotes it on his and other podcasts.

He teaches people that there are “mechanisms by which different wavelengths of light impact the cells, tissues and organs of the human body”, and that, “specifically timed light exposure of specific wavelengths can be used to improve sleep, enhance alertness, modulate hormone levels and improve mood.” 

Dr. Huberman believes that infrared photo therapies “relieve pain, increase testosterone and estrogen levels; improve skin health, appearance and wound healing; and how red light can be used to offset age-related vision loss and provide neuroprotection.” https://hubermanlab.com/using-light-sunlight-blue-light-and-red-light-to-optimize-health/

Over 10,000 research studies on Light Therapy worldwide, and the USA (where dreams were supposed to come true)

is only  - just now -  catching up. 

FDA cleared benefits of Light Therapy:

  • Stimulates ATP production in the mitochondria

  • Increases energy at cellular level

  • Reduces pain & inflammation

  • Stimulates NO release

  • Improve sleep

  • Increases blood circulation

  • Speeds up healing by 40%

  • Improves hormonal imbalance

  • Balances metabolism

  • Stimulates collagen and stem cell production*

LM: Is Light Therapy cost effective and readily available?

CW: Yes and yes!! Go to our website and/or contact our office for a complete list of services & prices for in office LT, and how it’s available for your home! Consultations are also available with a tour of facility!

A picture speaks a thousand words…

Light Therapy Before and After image

A Portland Timbers athlete who suffered with a fracture that wasn’t healing. Notice the fracture on the left. LT for 3 weeks not only healed the fracture, but also, notice the increase in bone density throughout his foot. WOW!!


LM: What else would you like to say to people now that you’ve got their attention?

CW: I’m just really happy to tell people about the passion I gained for natural healing & light and why. I believe we have the power within us to ”tap into our inner healer” by utilizing this technology and TRUSTING in the power of our own vessels. This earth has the elements that sustain us, and also, the power to heal us from the inside out. 

We must become vulnerable and honest enough with ourselves to admit that western medicine does not always heal as much as it does to cover up symptoms. And, what about looking at the basis of the dis-ease and focusing on healing that instead? 

The REASON people feel sick in the first place is because we’ve strayed too far away from nature…..after all, what was available to us before modern med & pharma became the go to answer for ALL?...NATURE!!! Don’t just use this for healing, use this for THRIVING & BEING VITAL. Please don’t wait to become sick to use this; learn and accept to thrive!...LOVE YA SELF MORE!!

LM: This was FUN!!...Thank you very much for your time and the knowledge you’ve given us here!

CW: You’re welcome…let’s do this again!!



All will be entered into a drawing to win the FALL INTO LIGHT SPECIAL... 3 LSPro light sessions!

Call the office for more info or a consultation with Cait!

(360) 326-3264

Please stay tuned for the next LIT UP blog post where we will further shine the light on newer technology Light Spectrum & Light Waves used today for LT Healing and why…and what we’re integrating that’s NEW!

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is information for educational purposes. 


