Hope Returns With Combination Therapy!

By Lydia M | In Light Hyperabics News | Nov 2022 | Post #6

Meet November’s Client of the Month, Marlene!

Two years prior to finding In Light Hyperbarics (ILH), Anji, daughter of our client of the month, Marlene, described her situation as, “Watching my mom slowly fade away.” 

The normally feisty and humorous Mother of 7 children, 17 grandchildren, and about to have her 17th great grandchild by December 2022…was beginning to lose herself.  What Anji was seeing and experiencing with her mom was heartbreaking for the whole family. The medical doctors involved in Marlene’s care had given little to no hope of recovery, only a dismal prognosis was offered. Anji didn’t know if she would ever have her mom back.

She reflects on those days with frustration because, “The doctors don’t give any hope with Alzheimers, as it is categorized as a progressive disease, which only declines, and there is no cure right now.”

Here’s where a blessing comes from an injury…  

Marlene was referred to Edna by her daughter’s nutritionist, who went as far as to say: “She’s like a miracle worker and she’s done wonders for others.” Edna said she could help with a recurring, and currently inflamed pain in the groin area, from a hip injury Marlene had incurred in August of 2020. Though Anji didn’t know if any of this would help….when lo and behold, she told me she hadn’t heard her mom complain until she had a more recent slip in the last few weeks. 

At the time, months ago, while Marlene kept insisting something was wrong, Anji had taken her back for x-rays due to pain levels increasing and mobility reducing in her right leg. The doctor suggested a daily pain reliever as the only answer given. But, when Marlene came in for Tissue Regeneration Therapy (TRT) to activate her own cellular healing, Anji asked how the treatment went when she came home, Marlene’s response was perfect, “Well I don’t know, I can’t feel it anymore.” Anji, in shock, looked at her sister and said, “Whoa, did it work that fast? Evidently it worked!”

Read about the science and benefits of TRT…click here!

Prior to diving (Hah!...no pun intended) into all that ILH has to offer, and NOT ACCEPTING that their mom would never recover in the slightest, Anji expressed with teary eyes, “Mom would just sit and watch television and not want to do much else. I would watch her suffer in her own private agony. Although I was with her, I couldn’t help her, but then we found HOPE through ILH and the daily visits changed our lives!”

A month and half of HBOT sessions and Anji recounts, “I began to see results and went to the doctor with my excitement - WITH PROOF that something can work.” The doctor quickly burst her bubble and said, “Good luck, insurance won’t pay for HBOT, but if it helps her, go for it, and if she can afford to do that, do it.”...Well, family got together and decided that continued use of modalities was the decision to make for their precious mother.  

“My mom is gaining back her strength and mobility and you guys simply love on her here…We try to as a family, but she needs it regularly and from people outside of the home. As an Alzheimer's pt she feels so distant from so many people, and especially her former life, but coming to ILH regularly, well, all I can say is that so much has been gained back. Parts of Mom’s life had been lost, on top of losing her favorite child in 2020, there was just so much pain to have to deal with; he was her caretaker & best friend…and his passing in March of 2020 was the last straw for Mom to give up in front of her TV.”  Anji expresses that was the time her Mom came into her care full time.

Further that year, in July 2020, the family came upon blessings through what appeared to be a horrible curse. There was a fire in Marlene’s home that forced her to sell…but let’s not stop there, a couple weeks after the fire, she broke her hip….but these events brought mother and daughter together for Anji to fully see and have all of the insights into Marlene's condition, and to further understand what she would need to do going forward. 

She tells me that her mom is doing better today than she’s ever seen her do on her own, and especially since being diagnosed with Alzheimers.  Once diagnosed, everything started to make sense to Marlene and the rest of the family. The symptoms she had, as far as memory loss, getting lost when driving for errands, etc, everything came together for them, and the decision was made for mom and Angie to move closer. 

Evidence of diagnosis began to show about 15 years prior with memory loss and such, so the decision to move in after the fire was inevitable.  The fire was a blessing in disguise somewhat - if anyone can ever say that, because it brought them together to discover the degree of Marlene's condition, and get her the help that she had been needing, so, they took the next step a year later and moved in together for good! 

Anji recounts a short time after the fire, “The fact that she didn’t, and still doesn’t remember her precious collections that were put away from little fingers to touch, as keepsakes to pass down to future generations is so sad. Everyone knew how important the mementos were to Mom at one point, but that she didn’t remember what they were after the fire, again, told us the situation we were in and that we needed a healing place, a safe space to go for HOPE!”  

The modalities at ILH have helped Marlene to engage more with her family, but especially to feed the relationship with her permanent and forever caretaker…Mother would become to rely on daughter for everything, even at times, she would have to use Anji for her brain, because frustration would grow when exhaustion would set in. Anji needed a reprieve and help for her mom to gain more independence. 

Marlene’s family, and especially Anji, believe ILH has helped their mom in so many ways as evidenced by day to day functioning, and they continue, “Mom is putting in more effort to try things on her own and not calling for help as much. She’s now trying to do things on her own, as before, there was no willingness, such as what clothes to wear for the day, or what meal to eat; not caring and wanting others to choose for her.  After all of the modalities she uses here, she’s gaining more of that independence she’d lost.

As her caretakers, we are taking away her independence if we do everything for her.  This combination therapy has allowed us to do much less, giving her more drive, and she's excited and motivated each day to improve her health and her relationships. She is excited to come here every single day and we have more of our mom back.” 

The Vibe Machine has been really good for Marlene because she is able to grow stronger and move better as a result of daily use as Anji can attest to, “Mom loves baths, some of our favorite memories were being put into a tub with my sisters all splashing and bathing, she gave us our love of baths. Mom couldn’t take baths after her mobility issues and Alzheimer's, because getting in and out of a bath wasn’t easy and the doctors wanted her to stop…that didn’t mean that the desire had left her.  Plus, the new house we are in has jacuzzi tubs on purpose and with safety bars. After months of coming to ILH, I believe it has given Mom the ability to coordinate herself enough to finally, a few weeks ago, soak as she had loved her whole life.”

Marlene mentioned to her daughter that one day, “I was thinking, maybe I should try the tub again.”  The fact that Marlene was willing and excited to do things that she had always loved to do, a simple thing to most who take it for granted, was a huge obstacle to have overcome. Anji and Marlene have also reported that she started using her walker less and less at home, and she’s lost around 10 lbs using the Vibe Machine, while her posture, strength and confidence has improved. 

Anji further expresses, “It’s the progress we were looking for but told not to ever expect because of the disease and its ongoing progression, but we proved them wrong in our case.  We are not being stopped because of what science is telling us, instead we are CHOOSING HOPE, and taking advantage of all the healing modalities that are offered here.  We just want people to know that we are living proof that there are other options, and the relationships, the atmosphere, the catering and pampering she gets, it’s kind of like a spa here at ILH!”

Fun Fact…

I ask Marlene if she’s ready to get on the Vibe Machine to shake it up like she does daily.  Marlene’s response with a smirk on her face and giggling voice was, “Yes, and I’m not pregnant!”…WHAT???!!! We all start cracking up. Later, I find out from April, that anytime anyone goes on the Vibe, she asks - men or women - “You’re not pregnant now are you?”...I get it now!!  Anji made mention, over and over throughout our interview, how her mom’s spunk and humor had been sparked recently as well, and boy can I see it…I love it!!

After rejuvenating herself on the BioMat, Marlene & I sat down together to discuss how she felt about herself and the changes occurring. She was beaming and smiling when she began to express herself, “I think it’s an amazing place and doing amazing things in my life.  Makes me feel better about myself and my body than I have in years.  It’s making me stronger than I was before. I’m doing better than I was doing with my mobility so I can enjoy my baths again.” 

Slowly but surely, Anji watched as Marlene’s strength & confidence began to grow over the weeks of diligently utilizing Combination Therapy: HBOT, Therapeutic Light Therapy, Vibe Machine, Tissue Regenerative Therapy & BioMat. The evidence was shown when she could finally help her mom get in and out of the tub using the strength of her own body - NOT Anji’s, whereas before, that was impossible. “I’m able to get up on my own to go use the bathroom in the middle of the night too, whereas before I would wait until the morning, now I don't have to be uncomfortable, I can get up and get out and go back to sleep, immediately,” added Marlene with JOY!

Read more about Combination Therapy…click here!

Anji asked me to make sure to state this for others wondering about ILH and if it’s the right place for them, “We had been given no hope anywhere else, but the fact that YOU GUYS were offering it to us, I needed that, my family needed that, and my mom needed most! Every doctor kept telling us there was no hope, but the God that we serve, gives hope! You guys are in the same direction as we are to believe in it, and that’s why we’re here…it all works for us, all of it!”

Please join us for our upcoming event!

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is information for educational purposes. 


Blue Light Therapy to My Rescue!!
