TURN ON Epigenetic Expression with Mild Hyperbaric Chambers!
By Lydia M | In Light Hyperbarics News | March 2023 | Post #20
“The moment a soft shell/mild chamber is zipped up is the moment the magic begins! You are turning your gene expression ON…”
~ Paul G Harch, MD
EPIGENETICS in action! Oxygenate the environment in which your cells live and watch the positive changes begin to happen! This little sister of the hard shell offers A LOT, and should NOT BE UNDERESTIMATED!
Some professionals may argue that there isn’t enough evidence to establish that pressure below 2.0 ATA, and without 100% 02, is beneficial enough to document. However, research is slowly being done to disprove this opinion in order to help the medical community come closer to agreement that there are benefits to the body at lower pressure & with ambient concentrated air.
Why? How? …one simple reason!
The fact is that oxygen is transported via plasma in the blood, and not red blood cells, when under 1.3 ATA and breathing supplemental 02. The simple reason for this is that 02 is a gas that when under atmospheric pressure dissolves into liquid, so it becomes able to be transported throughout the liquid in the blood and then circulated, instead of as a gas in red blood cells that needs to circulate throughout the liquid…makes it much more EFFICIENT and able to flow throughout the body. Therefore, mHBOT increases oxygen flow throughout the body due to higher solubility of the gas as pressure increases in the chamber (simply put, gas turns to liquid under significant pressure).
Benefits of mHBOT
Increased Oxygen Delivery: Hyperbaric chambers provide an environment where greater oxygen delivery to tissues and organs, which can help improve overall health.
Improved Circulation: The increased pressure in mild hyperbaric chambers helps improve blood flow, which is beneficial for people with circulatory problems or active lifestyles.
Reduced Inflammation: Mild hyperbaric chambers can help reduce inflammation by increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients available to the body.
Wound Healing: Mild hyperbaric chambers have been shown to speed up wound healing by increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to the affected area.
Improved Immune Function: Mild hyperbaric chambers can boost the body's immune system, making it better able to fight off infections and diseases.
Enhanced Brain Function: Mild hyperbaric chambers can help enhance brain function by increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain.
Improved Physical Performance: Hyperbaric chambers can help improve physical performance by increasing oxygen delivery to muscles, reducing fatigue and improving recovery.
Psychological Benefits: Mild hyperbaric chambers can aid in relaxation and can have a positive effect on mental health.
Epigenetic’s is a field of biology that studies how our environment influences our cells. Epigenetic changes affect gene expression to turn genes “on” and “off”. Gene expression is the process in which information from a gene is used by the cell. There are many different genes in a cell to be turned on for that cell to behave in one way or another. Therefore, genes will either be turned “on” or “off” by the cells environment.
For instance, will your diet, stress & exposure to environmental toxins cause your cells to flourish, or to die off prematurely? Are your lifestyle habits, thought patterns and connectivity to the earth & your fellow man, turning your genetic expression on or off? '“On” being good, and “off”, being bad in this case.
Another way to bring this theory home is to think of a child being raised in a negative, abusive and below standard of living level. Will this child likely thrive in school with a hungry belly and stressed out life? Probably not…too much else to worry about. But, if you place this same child into a home life that is structured, loving and kind, the probability of them doing much better in school and all around is much more likely! The same applies to cells…environment is everything!
Epigenetic changes will occur over the entire course of your lifetime, and you can influence whether they have a more positive or negative expression on your health & the proliferation of disease.
While epigenetics & mHBOT appear somewhat unrelated, there’s a growing body of research suggesting that there may be a positive connection between this therapy and positive cellular expression!
Some studies have suggested that mHBOT can increase the expression of certain genes that are involved in tissue repair and immune function. Other studies have looked at how exposure to higher levels of oxygen can affect epigenetic marks on DNA
…Stay tuned for more and more research to come out in the near future regarding how we CAN influence our genetic expression. Take POWER in the possibility of NOT being locked in to what has happened genetically for generations, but to believe that YOU CAN shift your gene expression - IN YOUR FAVOR - with what you CHOOSE to think, speak, eat, do, and the therapies you EMBRACE!!
Mermaid room is so beautiful & comfy!!!
Some benefits of mHBOT in comparison to hard shell include:
Cost friendly allowing for more & more sessions
Combination therapy is allowed with complimentary use of our LS Pro System therapeutic lights
Electronics are allowed inside for convenience to get some work done, read or be on phone
Recommended by World-renowned Psychiatrist & Neuroscientist Dr. Daniel Amen & The Amen Clinic for TBI's.
Less time commitment per session - in and out similar to a dental cleaning appt
For certain conditions…LESS IS MORE with a lower pressure of 1.3 ATA.
Portable & available to rent for home use
New York Giants running back, Rashad Jennings, uses mHBOT in his home as reported in the New York Post…
“I use it to rejuvenate and energize,” says Jennings, who shelled out $18,000 for the cylinder-shaped capsule. “Even on a cognitive level it helps out.” The magazine reports that he spends anywhere from seven to 20 hours a week in it, and is nicknamed “the coffin” by his mother. Rashad states, “I sleep in it every night in [preseason training] camp. I don’t bring it on road trips, but during camp I do. When you wake up, you feel the difference..”
Photo courtesy of Daily Mail UK
“Often, healing is inhibited by a restriction of blood flow (and oxygen) to the injured part of the body. With HBOT, healing is promoted by maximizing the amount of oxygen in the blood that can reach the injured area, and it provides this extra oxygen naturally with minimal side effects.” ~The Amen Clinic Psychiatric Team
“I am constantly looking forward to more date dives! It’s one of the quickest ways for me to relieve period pain, or even just add overall more pep to my step! I’m always leaving chamber feeling a million times better!” ~Jillian H.
“HBOT is perhaps the safest procedure in medicine used to treat brain injuries.”*
~The Amen Clinic
“Dr. Zayd had me take green juice with MCT oil in it before each mHBOT session while I was recovering from debilitating head pain. The reason for the extra nutrients is to have the 02 push them, and the healthy fats, into my brain to significantly reduce the migraines that were controlling my life. The pain was keeping me from my work and passion to help heal others...mHBOT saved my life many times over & for many different conditions!” ~ Edna Ness
HBOT is backed by SCIENCE and so many experts because it “delivers up to 15 times more oxygen to the body’s tissues; stimulates the body’s natural mechanisms for self-healing, and is highly effective for the treatment of a wide range of serious conditions and diseases.” ~The Amen Clinic Psychiatric Team
*The Amen Clinic had recommended mHBOT @ 1.3 ATA for my son’s condition specifically, but more sessions back to back, as opposed to a shorter series in hardshell @ 1.5 ATA and above. This goes to show that each person and each condition needs to be looked at individually for which chamber ATA would be best suited.
NOTE: There are many conditions, such as, having the bends, decompression sickness, where higher pressure is indicated. Or, if a condition is in it’s late stages and there isn’t time to heal in a slower fashion. The point being is that each case is different and will be evaluated accordingly by our medical director for best results and safety.
SICKNESS IS NOT A NATURAL STATE OF BEING…But, sickness IS a natural by-product of cells becoming abnormal through epigenetic expression of genes being TURNED “OFF” due to their environment.
We have specific genes that when a cell becomes abnormal, the cell activates said genes to tell itself that something is wrong, and it needs to commit suicide...that is apoptosis.
If those genes are dormant or “turned off”, due to the cells epigenetic traits, the system doesn’t work as set up. Dormant genes can be caused by the environment in which the cell lives. Is the environment more acidic or alkaline? Does it have more serotonin or cortisol floating around? Is the gene dormant due to lack of food from oxygen & light?…Epigenetics baby…let’s get to turning some genes on for cellular regeneration!
Date Dives are FUN with family!!
Who says you can’t share mHBOT with someone else? It’s rather comfy & can be fun catching up with someone you love! I’m in this pic, on the other end, but you can only see my leg. BONUS… you can split the cost and do more sessions!
I love mHBOT!! Since committing to at least 2 mild sessions a week for the last 12 -14 weeks:
My sleep is much better
My nightly leg cramps have diminished
My mood and energy is more even keel
My motivation is elevated
The occasional bad headache from TMJ is reduced
The inflammation in my right ear and tonsil area isn’t around anymore
My immune system is stronger as I’m not catching every little bug floating around, like I was getting all too familiar with throughout the last few years
My daughter reports that her regular monthly headaches, acne outbreaks and PMS / cramps are DRAMATICALLY reduced since sharing dives with me
Do yourself a favor, like Edna mentions above, and make sure to eat a raw fruit or vegetable salad with good protein and some fat as well, like MCT oil; green juice or green powder added to your protein shake before getting into chamber for the oxygen to push nutrients and fats through to cells & influence epigenetic expression!
In addition, taking in antioxidants & nutrients like this promotes blood sugar stability for ascent/descent of pressurizing; fend off rare instances of empty stomach upset or possibly feeling a little lightheaded (which is really all of the blood flow and oxygen reaching your brain that you have to get used after getting back up from lying down for up to 60 minutes). The nutrients taken in will simply help to ground, while the oxygen under pressure - pushes the goodness deeper into cells for the promotion of deeper healing.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For those taking medication, it would be suggested to take it 2+ hours before or after chamber time as detox of meds happens first. HBOT, however, does NOT detoxify supplements or natural substances…it does the opposite with nutrients, as it helps cellular absorption.
mHBOT Chamber
This is an example of the soft shell chambers used at ILH
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. This is information for educational purposes.