The 2024 IHA Conference at SEA brought us NEW INDICATIONS & RESEARCH for HBOT use!
Lydia M. | In Light Hyperbarics News | January 2024 | Post #36

Edna & Cait, the ladies of ILH, are committed to education with the most up to date research from top experts around the country! The 2024 conference took place on a cruise this year, and you can see some of the fun had in the pics above, along with the latest info learned all day in classes!
When you decide to become a part of our tribe at ILH, you can trust that the ladies who run the show here, are continuously surrounding themselves with our countries top natural health & advanced technology experts!!
Experts such as husband & wife team, Dr’s Jason & Melissa Sonners, chiropractors specializing in HBOT, functional neurology, functional medicine, pre/post-partom, pediatric and sports injuries; Dr. Daniel Amen from the brain specialists at The Amen Clinic; cellular health expert Dr. Daniel Pompa, and well known online health guru, Dave Asprey, have been speakers & attendees throughout the years for promoting the benefits of HBOT.
Those in the know….KNOW how highly beneficial HBOT can be for overall healing, pediatric growth, anti-aging and longevity!
Did you know that HBOT isn’t only available for life or death situations anymore, like the BENZ or terrible bone crushing accidents, but that it’s been discovered for so much more than that? HBOT can promote healing of a broader range of ailments and discomforts we regularly experience, but don’t think about oxygen under pressure helping. The time has come to think of this flowing 02 as being an energy building & preventive tool, as well as an amazing tool for recovery.
This blog will explore some of the new evidenced research on more common issues that you may not have thought HBOT could help.
…let’s get started with a few examples below!
‘Off Label’ Conditions
Addiction: There are an estimated 23 million adults in the US who have struggled with substance use disorder (SUD): a disorder that affects a person’s brain and behavior to a point of no control over ourselves. HBOT has been offering help to people who are under the control of substances and not just for only physical conditions, but for our most important organ, THE BRAIN.
HBOT helps to offer relief from mental conditions, such as anxiety & depression associated with addiction and what it’s done to a person’s life. Let’s look at what the studies have shown briefly through the following bullet points:
Opioid withdrawal symptoms were reduced twice as much on first day of HBOT…what??? So, we know that HBOT helps to open up detoxification pathways so this makes sense, right?!!
With detoxification occurring, the client can experience reduced symptoms, better sleep, and an improved appetite while recovering.
HBOT promotes repair from damage done to neurons, not only to help the physical condition, but also, the mental/emotional body. Physical production of new vessels in the body is called angiogenesis, and in the brain, it is called neurogenesis.
Click here to take you to IHA’s website for further research on HBOT as a possible therapy of choice for addiction damage recovery.
Fertility: The CDC states that 12% of women and 10% of men 15-44 have issues with reproduction due to a variety of reasons, with the medical treatment community offering IVF, fertility preservation w/ freezing, insemination, etc. Recent studies are beginning to show that HBOT could be a viable option to try first, with little to no risk associated. So exciting what the future of HBOT will bring! Why? Look at some of the bullet points below to explain briefly:
New blood vessels are created around inflamed areas not functioning properly - it’s called angiogenesis. New vessels mean oxygen & food given to cells to function as intended!
Endometrium Vascularization occurs more adequately.
Creates greater blood flow to the area and around all of the inflammation to reduce it and use the blood to cleanse the area for proper functioning.
Erectile Disfunction (ED) can be the culprit. HBOT has been shown to not only improve sperm velocity to promote fertility, but also improve ED. From the International Journal of Erectile Disfunction: “Erectile dysfunction (ED) is caused by microvascular or macrovascular insufficiency in the majority of patients. Recent studies have shown that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can induce angiogenesis in different body organs.” Click here for the article and research.
Click here to take you to IHA’s website for further research on HBOT as a possible therapy of choice for fertility in men & women, equally.
Dentistry: You’ve probably had some or a lot of dentistry done in your lifetime, as we all have! From periodontal (tissue) conditions and bacterial growth control, integrating a bone graft into a socket after surgery for implants, or ridge restoration.
We natural peeps understand the importance of NOT leaving a gaping hole in the mouth - anywhere- to avoid secondary infections down the road to wreak havoc on the immune system….which is another great reason to do HBOT for prevention & post op recovery once pressure isn’t issue for the treatment, and help control bacterial infections!
A 2019 Medical Gas research study was done on the effects of HBOT and the opportunity to benefit dental conditions. The conclusion from the research suggests the following: “HBOT is an effective treatment in dental medicine as it facilitates the healing process and expedites the recovery of the patient. Despite the potential complications that may arise, it has various benefits. As previously stated, HBOT often works well in conjunction with other treatments.” Click here for full study on HBOT and dental benefits. And the following are documented benefits:
More efficient and longer lasting recovery in conjunction with PenVK & HBOT for infections.
We have also EXTENSIVELY promoted effective wound healing with HBOT for a plethora of bodily injuries, why would the mouth and dentistry be any different? HBOT promotes decreased swelling, reduced bacterial growth, and it reduces Biofilm Growth which inhibits a balanced ph, and too much acidity in the mouth causes what???….that’s right - DECAY!
And once again, the formation of new blood vessels to combat the inflammation from lack of blood flow, and that is called: angiogenesis. Blood flow in the mouth to reduce issues is so important, and no different than the rest of the body.
And one more…for those of you struggling with TMJ issues, as myself for YEARS, I will tell you personally, and along with my coworker struggling dental issues as of late, HBOT definitely helps with inflammation of muscle spasms and joint throbbing. We are walking testimonials at ILH for this.
NOTE: As a former Registered Dental Assistant with over 20 yrs experience, I can assuredly tell you that HBOT is effective and amazing for tissue and bone healing…period! With that said, please contact your dentist after your specific procedure to determine at which point in your healing it is safe to start or continue HBOT.
For instance, upon the removal of a tooth, it is imperative for a blood clot to form and act as a bandaid for the surgical site. If this doesn’t have enough time to form, before ‘negative pressure’ can be introduced to the mouth, ie: swishing aggressively, spitting out too forcefully, or sucking through a straw, which is contraindicated for a minimum of 48 to 72 hrs or more, for that pressure not to dislodge the clot. If it is dislodged, a dry socket can occur and cause significant discomfort and more cost for therapy.
Telomeres: Let’s not forget that HBOT can benefit the deepest parts of us, our DNA. Our Telomeres, the protein protecting the ends of our DNA, are themselves protected by HBOT for anti-aging! Click Here for our blog on the importance of these protein ends.
Also, click here to review what other off label conditions can be helped by HBOT!
Let’s not forget about all of the benefits for Pediatric Conditions
Pediatric conditions that IHA brought forth to light on Cruise 2024
Date Dives with our kids is FUN!!!...and you can save $$ going in together!
Let’s not forget all of the benefits of HBOT for our littles. Let’s get the younger generation understanding how important prevention & the boosting of their immune system is!
We are responsible for our babies to do better than we did. We are encouraged to make our babies lives healthier to combat this environment and fast pace we live in anymore. Let’s help them with their nervous systems and mental status to conquer the challenges our youth face today, that quite frankly, you and I did not.
Let’s help our babies thrive with their physical and mental health as they grow into adults to take the baton from us and warrior for alternative health to become mainstream!!
Sampling of Pediartic Conditions
Sports related & accelerated recovery….think monkey bars and concussions from the playground. HBOT reduces physical inflammation of tendons and joints, and also, neurological inflammation, such as in ADD/ADHD for more focus & calm.
Prevent onset of inflammatory related issues and progression of related diseases.
Normalize more regular and consistent bowel movements for pediatric IBD, as HBOT lowers C-reactive Protein.
Promotes restoration of the GI Flora….the good bugs will grow in the gut with greater oxygen and consistent bowel movements…bad bugs naturally die under those conditions, but the good guys flourish! Also, think stronger immune system from a healthy gut. 60%+ immunity lives in gut!
Lessen frequency of seizures with Pediatric Mitochondrial Disease…more 02 circulating to the brain will keep inflammation down, and promote the creation of neurogenesis, and further promote reduced seizure activity.
Break up and kill Biofilm that is promoting severe allergic reactions in pediatrics. In addition, the biofilm caused by secondary infections from mold, flu or Lyme, as an example, can cause neurological disorders, such as in PANDAS: Pediatric AutoImmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep Infections, or in PANS: Pediatric Accute Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. Both of these conditions are autoimmune diseases triggered by infections.
Click here for more information from IHA on pediatric benefit research and studies!
You’ve now learned that HBOT might be the Game-Changer you have been looking for. HERE IT IS and HERE WE ARE…waiting to help you!
Call now: (360) 326-3264
We’d be happy to answer any & all of your questions!
Better yet, call us to schedule a tour!
In Light Hyperbarics Blog was featured on FeedSpot Bloggers Database
as #21 of 45 BEST Blogs & Websites in their HBOT category for 8/23 & 1/24!
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is information for educational purposes.