ILH has one of the HOTTEST trends in fitness today! Are you up for the CHALLENGE to try it?
by Lydia M | In Light Hyperbarics News | February 2023 | Post #15
I am so excited to have experienced Vibration Technology through our Whole Body Vibe (WBV), and to have felt the benefits almost immediately. I’m not kidding, the first few times I used the vibe, I could not believe how sore I was afterwards, and my coworkers are just as surprised by how efficient this machine is. I also hear from our clients regularly that a session or two begins to relieve pain and offer them more flexibility…I can attest to that too when my upper back, shoulders and neck get super tight and uncomfortable.
The more I learn from Edna & Cait about why they are on the WBV multiple times a week, and now, from my personal experiences, the more I believe in the power it holds. Even though it appears to be too simple and too quick to see/feel results, it becomes undeniable that this therapy WORKS! Read further to learn how vibration technology can help you be more efficient with your time & energy for your overall health goals.
WBV works like a massage in that it stimulates lymph drainage to promote detoxification and strengthen the immune system. The lymph system is a primary way to dispose of toxins and are described as the garbage disposal of the body. Inactivity, as well as bombardment of toxins, leads to stagnation of the lymphatic system, causing issues with energy levels, inflammation, pain and lower immune function.
The vibrations also help with blood flow and circulation, so that while the vibrating creates a lymphatic workout without that much effort on your part, toxins release to circulate out of the body for elimination much quicker than if you are stagnant. The extra circulation helps pump more oxygen throughout the system as well.
WBV works like physical therapy that incorporates forced vibration stimulation on the human body to help give instant relief to pain & issues. Some researchers go as far as to say that the machine creates pain relief for back or neck tension, joint stiffness, and helps with decreasing risks/levels of osteoporosis, and helps with flexibility and motor skills, as it is a recommended therapy for Parkinson's disease. I can also attest to how wonderful the suggested stretching exercises are for the overall back when it feels compressed from the day.
WBV works as your fitness trainer for strength and to help with weight loss & toning. Just to simply stand or sit on a machine while it vibrates feels too good to be true, right? It really does work because muscles are continuously contracting the entire time on the machine.
Did you know that only 10 to 15 minutes on the WBV = 30 to 60 minutes in the gym?
I know from my own experience that my quads are being worked out BIG TIME when I squat on the machine, and when I use the straps to gently pull up on them while continuing to vibrate, makes my arms sore as if I’d done reps with weights…I’m telling you guys, you’ve got to give this machine a try!!
The need for the WVB was developed in the 60’s for the Russian space team. They needed a way to exercise while under zero gravity conditions, because when in space, muscles don’t experience any resistance since the body simply floats. Now imagine months in this environment that can contribute to muscle loss and bone density issues.
Quick and continuous muscle contractions are induced by WBV when you step on the platform. You can stand, sit, lie down, use tension straps and focus on specific body parts for a complete workout: from quads & glutes, to your core, shoulders & arms.
The platform vibrates and sends vibrations, at different selected speeds, throughout the entire body, increasing circulation and oxygenated blood flow to reach all areas in need. Since the vibrations are sent through the entire body, all your muscles are engaged for a workout, and in addition, multiple body systems are affected due to the contractions your body goes through, including soft tissues, muscles, bones and your nervous & neurological systems can be improved. The fact is that stagnation & poor circulation is related to all systems in the body and the vibe can help!
Your personal masseuse, physical therapist & strength trainer all built into one machine to help such conditions as below & to promote some of the following potential benefits:
Aids in fat loss
Reduces appearance of cellulite
Muscle toning & strengthening
Relief of aches & pains
Joint injury relief
Lower back pain
Promotes core muscle strength
Blood circulation promoted
Stability/Improved posture/stance
Promotes increase of bone density
Promotes lymphatic drainage
Promotes removal of toxins
Promotes blood pressure regulation
Fibromyalgia relief
Nerve pain reduction
Motor skills, balance, gait issues
Helps Parkinson's disease symptoms
Maintains & boosts metabolism
Aging related issues reduce
Restless leg syndrome reduced
Urinary incontinence reduced
Promotes decrease in stress levels
Reduces cortisol (stress hormone)
Potential Side Effects:
Changes in digestion
Muscle fatigue
Sleep differences
Increase in energy
Remember to drink PLENTY OF WATER afterwards and throughout the day to promote flushing of toxins and proper hydration.
What does the research & science say?
“Beneficial effects are associated with whole-body vibration exercises (WBVEs). Increases in muscular strength/power, flexibility, and gait speed; improvements in bone mineral density, balance, and the quality of life; and decreased pain and risk of falls are reported.”
Further, “it is concluded that WBVE is effective for counteracting the loss of muscle strength associated with sarcopenia in elderly individuals. Balance and leg and plantar flexor strength improvements due to WBV indicate benefit to reduce risk and incidence of falls, frailty, and fracture risks.” Read more!
In addition, “lower extremity muscle strength improved significantly in both the WBVT (WBVT + strengthening) and the control (stretching + strengthening) groups, and physical performance improved only in the WBVT group after training. WBVT can be safely performed by older adults and may be an alternative exercise method to boost the effect of strengthening exercise.” Read more!
Balance in all areas of life is important, but especially important physically for safety and the vibe has further been shown to help, “low Vibrational Training as an Additional Intervention for Postural Balance, Balance Confidence and Functional Mobility in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Lower Limb Burn Injury.”
“Based on the results of the current study, it is possible to conclude that adding WBV training for an 8-week duration to a selected exercise program (balancing and resisted exercises) seems to be effective; in improving postural balance, balance confidence, as well as improving the functional mobility in type 2 diabetic patients with lower limb burn injury.” Read more!
The stimulation of the body during each cycle of ‘vibing’ is equivalent to taking one step…now imagine how many steps are simulated in a 10 min session. This machine REALLY WORKS!
Our entire team at ILH is dedicated to your healing experience while with us. Ask us for hints & tips on how we like to use the vibe for maximum results!
We look forward to seeing you VIBE your tensions away!
Thanks for reading!!
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is information for educational purposes.