SPRING IN to LIGHT with the LS Pro POWER &/or LightStim Bed!
Lydia M | In Light Hyperbarics News | March 2023 | #18
We’re getting ready to SPRING into Spring, and it’s time to POWER UP with some LIGHT & OXYGEN!
We’re coming out of the winter months, sun deprived! SunLIGHT is an essential nutrient required for survival, cellular energy and ultimate healing. So, come take a nap in our NEWEST, next level, nothing else like it “Therapeutic Light Bed” and become a supercharged human by jumpstarting your system! Spring into a new season, LIT UP & revive your soul with powerful combinations of red, blue and infrared light waves pulsed at therapeutic frequencies for benefit to your cells!
Are you going through a season of the following?:
Winter blues & depression?
Skin issues?
Aches and pains?
Non-healing injuries or dull skin?
Do you want more of the following?:
Lifted mood?
Relaxed nervous system?
Energized body, mind and soul?
Healing on all cylinders for speedy recovery?
What makes this light bed experience so different?
How does this work? How can the combination of light & oxygen be used for cellular health, and in under 30 min…what?
At ILH we utilize the power of combination therapy for maximum effect! Combination therapy offers the body recharging ability through several different modalities, working in combination, to offer cellular energy. Some modalities lean more towards creating elimination pathways for detoxification, while some offer regenerative power for greater immune function & greater energy levels, and then some of the modalities do both!
ILH offers you our newest modality offering combination therapy for maximum use of your time that can be done before, during a break, or after a long day at work to decompress, detoxify and/or regenerate!
Dr. Zayd Ratansi (Dr. Z) told me that he designed this bed to be like a mini beach trip to get loaded up with beach-like negative ions in only 20 minutes. The LS Pro combination bed does this by taking the oxygen concentrator tubing through the bed for the lights to create negative ions in the 02, which is then connected to tubing to your personal cannula for delivery straight to you.
Today’s society is loaded with ‘dirty electricity’ pollution and overabundance of positive ions via computers, routers, Bluetooth, microwaves, gaming systems, TV’s, cell towers, etc. …you get the point. The fact is we’re surrounded by these ions, and an imbalance of negative vs positive ions is the concern that can cause physical & mental issues. The body balances out the positively charged electrons coming from dirty electricity when the body can connect to the earth, and subsequently, these FREE negative electrons can help stop free radicals (cell destroyers) in their tracks, and help provide a boost to the immune system due to their antioxidant properties.
The beach is where you can get your feet in the sand and receive negative ions from the elements & waves. That’s what Dr. Z tried to replicate via the LS Pro Bed.
Personal experience: I’ve used this bed several times and can vouch for the “targeted” therapy available! This bed offers several different options to select for a 10 or 20 min session. You can choose an option for a boost of energy during a lunch break, or another one for after work to let it all gooooo! Clients have reported pain relief and quicker wound recovery from a couple of weeks of use, and I can truly attest to feeling the difference between programs and can feel significant change, in one way or another, after each use.
Therapeutic light provides the body with optimal wavelengths of light shown to “power-up” the body.
Oxygen while in session can help feed your cells and help with clarity.
Come experience what elite athletes use to maximize performance and healing. HOW? Red and infrared light therapy / Photobiomodulation…big word for simply stating that light can help the body produce a biological response. In this case, with the particular light frequencies used, improvements can be reported to give relief to sore muscles & joints, increase circulation and give you a boost of sunshine to lift your spirits!
ILH is proud to offer you the MXP Power Bed (bed on left) with the ability to receive 02 (picture on bottom right), while receiving desperately needed - cellular regenerating - LIGHT! POWER UP your own battery recharging ability through light and oxygen…in under 30 minutes!
Why is this bed so special?…it’s due to Combination Therapy using Oxygen with Light! Why do we need this?…
We are electrical beings charged by the energy around us, or not, and maybe, we’re rather depleted by the interaction we have within our environments. So, if you’re feeling low after a long day at work under fluorescent lights, in front of blue light computer screens, cellular towers next to your building at work, and stress - stress - stress - in many areas, that makes sense, right? Then, add your own choices of foods eaten, what you watch and who you interact with, that will help you GAIN energy, or DEPLETE it…so ask yourself, how charged up is your battery?
When the ‘bars’ on your personal battery are low, aka low cellular energy, you are then vulnerable to lower immune function and DIS-ease…no two ways about it.
Solution… power up baby!
Wavelengths of the sun help to power batteries…thus solar panel power…same principles apply here. Going onto a light bed provides optimal light frequencies/wavelengths to promote powering - you - UP! And now, add 02 to the experience to literally plump up cells, making them more pliable to receive light filled nutrients and use as the body sees fit.
The mitochondria of the cell is its energy power source and light is a food source…so, it having a “full belly”, so to speak, is used for increased energy to go wherever needed, at any given time. Do you need help getting through several busy days in a row, or for healing an injury, disease or syndrome?
Your body will know how to use a FULL BATTERY. Like your phone does…do you use a full battery to watch a movie, surf the net or talk to your bestie? YOU have the power of choice when you have more healing energy available because it CHARGES YOU UP!
Neuroscientist and associate professor of neurobiology and psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine, Dr. Andrew Huberman, believes in infrared photo therapies for brain repair and regenerative abilities to help: “relieve pain, increase testosterone and estrogen levels; improve skin health, appearance and wound healing; and how red light can be used to offset age-related vision loss and provide neuroprotection.” Go listen to more!
LightStim LED Bed
ILH also has another bed you can choose from that offers luxury for full-body and a lights that promote overall wellness & physiological function by encouraging the body’s restorative processes.
Relieve pain, relax sore muscles & increase blood circulation to deliver oxygen, nutrients and circulation throughout the entire body.
LightStim LED Bed is the first LED Bed to receive FDA Clearance!!
The First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed. So, in essence, energy is constantly in a state of of converting from one form into another.
We have the power to choose how to “target” or “redirect” that energy. In this case…we are taking the energy from targeted light & increased 02 delivery (through an oxygen concentrator connected to the LS Pro Light Bed), at the same time, to convert that targeted combination power source - into food - for increased cellular energy, and a VERY HAPPY mitochondria! Consider your battery CHARGED!
Please give us a call or send us an email with any questions.
Cruise around this blog for detailed info on ALL MODALITIES, cost and consistently running promotions.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is information for educational purposes.