Whole Body Cryotherapy for Cold Protein Release to IMPROVE BRAIN ISSUES!
Lydia M. | In Light Hyperparics News | May 2024 | #41
Do you see the timestamp?!!! Studies are showing that up to 10 min at a time gives tremendous benefit to the brain!
This is one of our AWESOME regulars in our Pod/Plunge Room using our Morozko Forge Plunge. I just LOVE our clients =) Anyway, this gem of a human had experienced a TBI giving her different degrees of symptoms for years now, with lethargy and emotions being the focus.
She is delighted to experience the contrast whole body cryotherapy benefits, and especially the cold protein dump which makes her feel like she could re-tile the roof afterwards…hahaha! I laugh with our clients because none of us can believe how good we feel after we take “the plunge!” I’m going to explain below why this is happening simply from submerging the body in cold water for a duration of time.
What is Cryotherapy? What is the difference between whole body versus localized cryotherapy? Whole body Cryo-(cold)-therapy is when a person reduces the temperature of their entire body at once for blood to pump to protect vital organs. This drastically reduced body temp is on purpose and creates HUGE BENEFITS for pain relief & reduced inflammation from injury, or such issues as arthritic conditions! This can be done in water or in a more modern cold cryotherapy pod that one sits in at specialized medical spa’s.
Localized Cryotherapy is completely different and is the process by which a medical device is used for a focused & localized deep cold therapy blast to areas which are inflamed or injured.
Benefits of Whole Body Cryotherapy via Morozko Cold Plunge:
COLD PROTEIN PUSH for Enhanced Mood, ENERGY & Mental Well-being: Cold water immersion triggers the release of proteins from the cold exposure which act as FOOD for cells and ENERGY for YOU!
For physiological benefit: Studies show that up to 54 degrees for 11 min per week is sufficient - our clients will do 3.33 min x 3 sessions per week for that goal.
For brain benefit: Studies show that for a cold protein push, 50 to 55 degrees, for 5 to 10 min at a time, can ignite the protein dump for COGNITION & a CHILLLLLLL mood! That’s why we left the time-stamp on the photo to show you what works on the brain.
Stress Reduction and Improved Sleep: Cold helps reduce stress levels to promote relaxation, and MOST individuals find that the cold immersion experience improves the time it takes to fall asleep, and the quality of their sleep…it’s true! It’s those cold proteins again. And also, there is a release of hormones called endorphins - in this case there is a strong SEROTONIN DUMP and this can improve mood. Endorphins can relieve pain and work on your brain to be more chill. - serotonin especially as it is your happy hormone.
Improved Circulation and Cardiovascular Health: Cold water immersion can stimulate blood flow and improve circulation due to METABOLISM speeding up to protect your organs. It may also help in reducing blood pressure and enhancing cardiovascular health due to circulation.
Increased Metabolism and Fat Burning: Exposure to cold can stimulate the production of brown fat, which burns calories to generate heat when you are exposed to bouts in very cold water. This aids in weight loss, and the improve metabolic function creates all kinds of benefits to reduce inflammation and feed the cells PROPER FOOD through cold, to be SO MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE.
Muscle Recovery and Reduced Inflammation: Cold plunges can help reduce inflammation and soreness in muscles after intense exercise or physical activity. The cold water constricts blood vessels, reducing swelling and providing relief to tired muscles.
NOTE: While cold plunges offer potential benefits, they may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with certain medical conditions like heart problems or Raynaud's disease. Always consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating cold plunge therapy into your routine, especially if you have any health concerns.
Just look at how stunning our room is with the Morozko Plunge & The Cocoon Fitness Pod!
For myself, I deal with a couple of auto-immune conditions that can kick my rear when stress or inflammation is plentiful, and some of those mornings even a double espresso just will not work. That is when I get in for a deep sweat to flush out all of the cortisol flooding me, and then, I hit the cold right away for my goal of 10 min at 52 to 54 degrees. I am NOT KIDDING YOU…I feel like I can work an 8 hour shift like I’m 20 again…lol!
So just like we are trying for a cold and hormone push to feel GOOD, the reason we can feel crummy - both physically, emotionally and mentally, in the first place, is due to an over-abundance of stress hormones like cortisol.
Wy is the Stress Hormone Cortisol so BAAAAAAAD when too much is flooding the blood, and WHAT does COLD have to do with it? The stress hormone; the fight or flight hormone is what it is typically called. This is a good hormone for you to excrete when you are needing to run away from a tiger very quickly, buttttt, if that hormone keeps dripping into your system…it’s like continuously revving a car engine. What happens when you do that? You flood the engine with gas and it can stall, stop car in its tracks and you get nowhere, right?
Same happens to your body, mind and emotions…you can hit a wall and CRASH your adrenal glands. Symptoms will include an inflammatory response all over. You can feel joint pain, brain fog, irritability in the short term, but longer term, it reduces sleep, increases heart rate & offers irregular heart beat; can cause night time sweats, heightened inflammatory issues with greater pain due the damage.
In addition, this stress by product likes to HANG ON TO FAT, the visceral kind that wraps around your waste and won’t let go. The kind that is the worst for heart health…cortisol = bad!
How to reduce and remove high levels of cortisol with COLD Protein Push? Cold exposure has been shown to regulate stress hormone levels, helping to reduce the side effects of chronic stress and cortisol flooding. It does this when the stress proteins are activated by cold exposure. A major function of these proteins is to help organisms cope with cold stress and adapt to changing environments. They make us more resilient and flexible.
The area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex becomes activated with COLD EXPOSURE. This is so VALUABLE due to the cold and this area connecting with other brain regions involved in core cognitive functions. What this is doing is circulating more O2 to brain and reducing anxiety, brain fog, lethargy, etc. Circulation is flushing out all of the excess cortisol that’s been flooding the body. The cold is also activating what is called brown fat to give the body & brain that JUMP START it needs and that cold promises! All of this is food for our cells you guys! If cells are happy - we are happy! Read here about brown fat and how to activate it!
It makes sense, right? IT’S ALL ABOUT METABOLISM AND MOVING our cells into the processes they were intended to function at. With metabolism increased, your body will push WARM BLOOD to your organs to protect them, and at the same time, it reaches the skins surface to give you a blanket of warmth 3 to 5mm radiating out from your skin. THIS is how circulation happens from head to toe and creates thermogenesis!
Our clients are reporting:
Coming in not wanting to do therapy BUT when they are finished feeling energized and clear headed enough to be social, do housework or able to attend board meetings with greater confidence and energy.
Coming in inflamed all over with pain associated with injuries, joints, muscle and ligament tension AND leaving with 50% or more reduced pain AND flexibility.
Coming in and EXHAUSTED but leaving like they can go workout or hit the rest of the day, and then they report a beautiful crash to sleep at night!
Coming in with brain fog and literally feeling like neurons won't fire, but leaving with clarity and ability to function at higher levels than previously felt during the day.
Let’s recap HOW simply cold can help this happen:
BIG Serotonin Dump: Cold therapy, has been linked to increased serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, appetite, and sleep. When the body is exposed to cold temperatures, it responds by releasing certain chemicals to help warm itself up and maintain homeostasis throughout.
This phenomenon is often referred to as a “serotonin dump.” When the body is exposed to cold, it releases serotonin as a way to compensate for the stress (the good - exercising stress, not the bad damaging stress) caused by the cold. This release of serotonin can have a number of benefits, including improved mood as serotonin is often referred to as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter.
Cold Protein Dump: Cold plunges have been linked to the release of cold shock proteins, which can have a positive impact on anxiety. They have been shown to increase the release of anti-inflammatory markers, which can help to reduce inflammation and anxiety.
Cold shock proteins are produced by the body when exposed to extreme cold environments, ESPECIALLY cold water. These proteins can help to protect the body from the negative effects of cold stress and can also have anti-inflammatory properties. When combined with cold plunges, cold shock proteins can help to reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.
Our current promo includes pod/plunge. This kind of discount does not come often ~ I SHOULD KNOW!!
Let me tell you all, this is still Lydia, by the way =)… THIS IS SUCH AN AMAZING DEAL!! We paid $7700 in 2020 for Alec’s 40 series, and it did NOT include a light bed or pod/plunge. Will you LOOK at the savings to the left for SO MANY MORE SESSIONS & MODALITIES!!
We will guide you how to best handle the cold and not shock yourself too much. We are always here to support and have suggestions how to do this safely and for your personal needs & recovery!
(360) 953-5749 and/or email with questions: info@inlighthyperbarics.com / lydia@inlighthyperbarics.com
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NOTE/Disclaimer: The therapies are intended to support overall well-being and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new treatment regimen.