Is Therapeutic Light Therapy Woo-woo? Let’s have a conversation…and read a client’s perspective!
Lydia M with guest blog by Linda N | In Light Hyperbarics News | May 2023 | Post #22
This is Linda, one of our regulars at ILH whom we LOVE!
So, I’ve personally had over a handful of clients ask me to bridge the gap between the science of Therapeutic Light Therapy and being in alignment with their faith. In this instance, Christianity, and this technology being viewed as outside the realm of some denominations who question if this science is too woo-woo for religion.
I think this is worth a conversation, and I invited my friend, Christian and ILH committed client, Linda N., to explain her perspective for us to understand this topic more.
First, I’d like to begin with our light expert and co-owner, Cait’s perspective on therapeutic light therapy as well.
“This technology was/is considered ‘woo-woo’ to many groups, but then when SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) became a more prevalent issue, and Light Box Therapy began to gain momentum, the issues of light deficit in the body came to the forefront. The need for a therapy, or rather, the recognition of light therapy being ancient, needed to come to the forefront!”
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“In fact, history of light therapy goes back thousands of years in historical documents dating back to Egyptian medicine, to the time of Hippocrates, who would actually prescribe sunlight via ‘sunbathes’ for a variety of ailments. Within history, the power of light to heal has been recorded. The sun created and shaped this planet and not only does it sustain us, it also has the power to heal us all from the inside out. We NEED it!”
To learn more, click here!
After all, the first chapter of the Holy Bible, in Genesis, begins with:
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”
LIGHT was the beginning of EVERYTHING, let us learn to finally use it as intended!
~ Cait Wilson, ILH Co-Owner
…and now for Linda, Ladies & Gentlemen…
“This is what I came up with for my own mind to understand the basics and from a Christian's view point...which combined with science, is what God created so beautifully for us.
All of Earth and humans exist due to God's creation of the Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light and Frequency consisting of: 1) light/heat, and 2) sound/vibrations/frequencies.
And where does light come from? GOD. "God is light." There are numerous verses in the Bible that say this about God. God is light and created light in the first book in the Bible, Genesis, and all the way to the last book, Revelations 22:5 speaks of God's light.
Our eyes are only capable of seeing 'visible light' due to the chemistry make up of our eyes, as we can see the rainbow of colors. The other lights on the spectrum are only visible with equipment and lenses. Even though we are unable to see the other rays of light, they can be felt by heat or sound or frequency.
And best of all, we are familiar with the heat, sound & frequency, because we accept and use them in our daily lives:
Gamma rays are commonly used in medical, industrial and nuclear fields.
X-rays taken for health reasons or dentist visits, etc.
Ultraviolet light rays because that comes from the sun and we can happily feel the warmth, but if we stay out in it too long, our skin burns. We can also harness its energy for power.
Microwave light rays we know can quickly heat up food.
Wifi light rays we need to go online.
We are also familiar with radio light rays to listen to sounds (FM, AM radio) or to send messages.
People need to have an understanding that God created light and man has found ways to use these different aspects of light in our lives. People just don't understand infrared because it isn't used in our daily lives and we are still "learning" to understand it to be a healing ray of light.
Because why would we accept Gamma rays, X-ray, UV, Microwave, Wifi, Radio waves and and enjoy a beautiful Rainbow and not accept Infrared Light rays when they all are on the same God-given Electromagnetic Spectrum of light and frequencies. (As explained above)
Since HE provided them for our existence, wouldn't He want us to develop and enjoy them all to our benefit?
On the color spectrum infrared light is a penetrating light but a softer heat because of the longer frequency waves connected to it. The safe infrared light goes deep into the body's tissue to stimulate blood flow to carry oxygen and glucose as energy to the cells of our body, thus encouraging healing to a specific area. What an amazing discovery for the use of infrared light as a healing energy.
Science is constantly changing and discovering new aspects of what God has given to man. Some inspired, talented individuals have been able to delve into discoveries over the years and are still doing so which have improved our lives in many ways with God's miraculous gifts - the Electromagnetic Light Spectrum is an amazing one that allows us to even exist.
Click here for short explanation video
Although a Danish physician received a Nobel Prize in 1903 for discovering that exposure to concentrated red light accelerated the healing of sores, he remained reluctant to put it into practice without understanding why it worked. A larger barrier to acceptance, though, has probably been that it simply sounds unbelievable.
In regards to a new age thinking, when you look up the definition of new age it is:"being or involving the latest methods, concepts, information, or styles." A big movement started that term in the 1970's with the Holy Spirit revival.
Synonyms would be "modern, current, present day, contemporary"…well isn't the music that we listen to now in church very modern and contemporary with bands on stage and uplifting of hands and singing out to the Lord? And other concepts the church uses as they move from the "traditional" to the contemporary to create and stimulate attendance and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit?
So, already, aren’t we participating in an aspect of 'new age'?
Before discounting something or tagging it new age, it's best to research to find an understanding about the terminology. If something is unknown it's best to ask God for discernment and research to see if it is from God or favored by Him.
It certainly appears infrared light is from God.”
~ Linda N.
Light & Oxygen are a match MADE IN HEAVEN!
Doug & Edna Ness
“You are sick and injured from radiation and chemotherapy. You are in pain, inflamed, have low energy and your blood circulation is compromised. Light and oxygen and your blood circulation is compromised. Light and oxygen are the most important primal nutrients for you at this time. Oxygen is critical for your healing and light stimulates circulation to carry oxygen to the damaged areas. Through my experience I have not found a better match than mild hyperbaric oxygen and light therapies administered together as a light chamber: a pressurized chamber chamber that used both light and oxygen therapies to help a patient to heal.
While in the chamber you will not only increase your oxygen intake and circulation, you will also experience the rest and relaxation needed to heal.” ~ Excerpt from Radical Recovery, pg. 58
4/25/24 Blog updated to include the following promotion through May ‘24. Call for more information!
Oxygen, Light, Fire & Ice for Recovery
This bundle is SUCH A CRAZY DEAL YOU GUYS! I purchased a 40 series of 1.5 to 2.0 for my son in 2020 during Covid for $7,700. LOOK at this discount AND 10 more HBOT’s, 20 light bed sessions & 10 pod/plunge sessions. WHAT??
In this day and age COMBINATION THERAPY is a must for medicine to work better AND for the recovery of chemo/radiation damage afterwards.
Call us with any questions!
360 326-3264
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These services or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is information for educational purposes.